Those Black Clouds Follow You Around

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Idk how I feel about this chapter. Please take note that I haven't been to any parties like this, nor have I ever had alcohol/gotten drunk (I don't plan to do so either lmao).

Dedicated to cvddlygaskarth bc your comments made me hecka happy

Enjoy :)

When we got to the house, it felt as though we were in a movie. The music was loud and blared throughout the expanse of the two storeys. It was top forty music and remixes- which was to be expected, I guess.

Tay linked her arm with mine as we entered, her small body close to mine as we squeezed through the doors and into the packed house. The lights were dim and yellow, but the lounge room seemed darker than the rest of the house. Tables and seats were all pushed against the walls for more room to dance and talk.

"Jack! Tay!" I heard Rian call out. I looked around for him, spotting him a moment later sat on the kitchen bench with Cassadee under his arm. I pushed past people, dragging Tay along with me.

"Hi, Rian," I spoke over the music. He stared at my lips as I talked, probably to understand what I was saying better. "Hey Cassadee,"

"Hello," they said in unison, Rian laughing. My eyes followed down to his hand, where a beer rested on the granite beneath him and between his thumb and fingers.

We all talked a little bit longer and I'd forgotten how much I actually liked talking to Cassadee. I was glad that she was the girl Rian had ended up with. It was kind of sickening how cute they were together. I wished it was as easy as it was for them for me and Alex. I didn't want to think about that, though, and asked Cass where the drinks were.

"Drinks are over there," Cassadee told me, jutting a thumb behind her shoulder. I nodded and thanked her, waving goodbye to them both and letting go of Tay as I walked to the other kitchen counter. I picked up a green bottle and walked into the lounge, scanning the expanse of the room. Her house was super big compared to mine- and much nicer, may I add. The whole place was pristine somehow, even though she had parties often enough to have gained a reputation at school because of it. I wondered how she was going to get it back to its original state once this party was over.

My friends had all spread out at that point, but I could see Josh and Zack both leaning against a wall beside the dancing teenagers, talking over the bass. I took a sip of my drink and walked over to them with the bitter taste lingering on my tongue. They both waved at me and I greeted them back.

"Having fun?" Josh asked, his accent protruding through the noise. I wondered why he'd asked me this since it'd been less than an hour since we arrived.

"Almost," I responded, taking a large swig of beer, feeling the cold liquid slide down my throat.

"Almost?" Zack asked, his usually quiet voice raising over the noise. Zack always looked like he didn't feel comfortable at that volume.

"Well, I'm not drunk yet," I grinned and Josh laughed, knocking his bottle against mine. Zack, however, gave me an uneasy look and slightly shook his head. He lingered for a moment, contemplating, before he pushed himself off the wall behind him and walked in Matt's general direction. I felt an awkward nervousness in my stomach, wondering what I'd done wrong to receive that look.

"What's up with Zack?" I questioned, my eyes following him until he eventually disappeared amongst the crowds. Josh shrugged at that point, and I decided to not dwell on it.

Josh turned out to be my buddy for the night because not only did we have the same alcohol tolerance, but we were both the same kind of drunk. We'd not had enough alcohol to be properly intoxicated, but we were giggly and buzzing. We talked about what we were like when we were drunk and shared embarrassing stories from past experiences. We'd moved outside eventually, leaving the rest of our friends inside.

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