chapter six

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Camila's POV

I want to text her. And I will.

With my cell still in my hand after receiving it from Lauren, I unblocked it and looked for her number. I typed 'Lauren' in the search bar, but nothing came up. What?

I tried typing her last name, nothing again.

She fooled me. She's probably laughing her ass off right now. Was I always so naïve?

I sat on the porch steps, tears glistening in my eyes already.

I didn't give up and decided to go through the list of my numbers. I was going slowly and read carefully, not wanting to miss anything.

I was coming to an end, disappointment washing through my whole body again, harder this time. Why did it hurt so much? I've only just met her.

But then I scrolled the last time and noticed something, the vision blurry because of the tears now threatening to fall down.

'Your Friend In Need' plus the monkey covering her mouth emoji.

My cheeks were wet by now, but they were tears of happiness this time.

'Drive safely. -guess who'
'Told you you wouldn't wait long. You're probably still in the car lol'
'What's your favorite song at the moment?'
'Giving me your number was a mistake, don't you think?'
'I literally feel sorry for you.'
'I swear, you'll unfriend me the second you see the number of messages that I left you.'
'Btw!! You're cute, you know.'
'My friend in need, huh? Totes adorbs.'
'I might have died, girl.'

"Mila, where are you??" I heard my mom literally yell.

I took a second to reread the messages. Did I seriously hit send?? At least my mood changed. Drastically, may I add. At the end of my conversation with Lauren I wasn't able to keep my emotions bottled up anymore, and I'm afraid she noticed it. She seemed a bit worried. I hope she hadn't given it a second thought and that she'll forget about it completely after she sees my messages.

I'm not sure what it was myself. This happened often though, the mood swings. I've been dealing with them for a long time, but the frequency changed extremely. They didn't happen as often since we moved to Florida. I almost forgot about them, to be honest, but today when I felt my frame of mind change, I got angry with myself. Why do I have to be fucked up? I have a chance to make a friend, even though I met her today and talked to her twice, I could tell she was an interesting and an amazing person.

Her mother sounded like a great woman as well. She's been so great to my mom, she's glowing whilst talking about Clara. I'm looking forward to meeting her and with a possibility of Lauren and me becoming friends, that might happen.

Is it rude of me to want to know their story? I've always been fascinated by people's lives, stories, minds. I can't help it, really. Just like I couldn't stop myself from jumping a little bit when I heard my mom say.

"Oh sweetie, there you are. We've been looking for you." I saw Sofi holding her hand stepping out of the front door.
"Hi Sof, come give me a hug. I've missed you!" The little girl's smile immediately found its place on her face. I hid my phone in my pocket and put my arms around my sister's body.

"Sorry I didn't say anything, mom. I got distracted by my phone." I apologized after I'd remembered what my mom said.

"That's alright." She smiled at me reassuringly. "Okay, girls. Let's go prepare something for dinner."

"But mooooom... you promised we'd order pizza this week." I heard Sofi's voice filled with complaint.

"I'm down for pizza! Seriously mom, do you really feel like cooking? More importantly, do you really feel like coming up with an idea what to cook?" I had to support my sister with this one.

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