Chapter 6: Midnight Awakening

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Standing upon a spire of crumbling rock amidst the swirling storm above stood a lone FireClaw dragon. He glanced back at the highest room of the Ember Palace and lurched forward, clasping on to a massive golden horn. It seemed to bend elegantly with all the patterns in the world, twinkling dimly when the lightning flashed. It's tip yawned into a large bowl-like shape, almost like it was opening its mouth to drink in the salty droplets of rain water.

The crimson dragon gasped and ducked again when a black silhouette dove towards his head and sliced at his jagged horns. He could hear the beast's form whistling past his ears. His body nearly toppled over the edge of the cliff. The FireClaw refused to glance down.

The palace was under attack, and he had become a very obvious target for whatever was going after him. Pursing his scaly maw, he leaned in and scorched the inside of the horn with his orange flames. From it roared a beautifully eerie siren that echoed across the land and overtook the sound of the thunder.

Again, he turned his attention to the peak of the Ember Palace. The dragon squinted through the rain and launched himself off the cliff. He had done his duty. His only concern now was to make it back to the safety of the queen's throne room. Behind him, another string of strange whistling stained his ears. The FireClaw's heart dropped and his wings flapped more frantically. In the glossy marble wall of the palace, he could see his terrified reflection. He was so close to sanctuary.

Just before he was able to squeeze through the tiny window of the throne room, a pair of bizarre serrated talons latched on to his tail. The FireClaw howled and flailed desperately towards the palace to no avail. He was no soldier. He knew he had been caught.

The last thing the dragon saw was the Ember Palace shrink from view as he was dragged skyward into the clouds.


The massive carpet-laden room was quiet. Thunder rumbled closely over the roof, with spears of lightning jutting down at odd angles. A pair of tall, broad-shouldered soldiers stood watch at an elegant oak doorway. Their wings were stiff and frightened. They, however, would never show their fear to the royalty that sat in the room.

The mirror-smooth walls were laced with gems of every color. They too, reflected the storm in dances of rainbow horror. Hanging from the ceiling were large strings of pearls, emeralds, and dazzling arrays of lovely smelling flowers. The entire floor was coated with finely crafted red carpeting. Royal violet curtains billowed softly in the wind as if a spirit were caressing them.

Nestled between two golden FireClaw statues sat a strikingly beautiful dragoness upon a tall winding throne. It's highest pillars tickled the ceiling. She played with the jewels lodged in her rose-colored scales. Her talons were long and dainty with the prudent power of a thousand armies. She held herself with dignity. Her strange purple-tinted eyes scathed the window where her scout should have returned, but never did. Only a row of panicked claw marks remained of him.

"I'll wager the kingdom heard the siren," she pressed gently. Her simmering violet irises flashed down at her guards. They exchanged a glance and nodded.

"Perhaps," she continued, "our strange visitor will meet with my spotters. That would be delightful. Ten to one, and monster blood being spilled."

"Your majesty, the spotters are due to return any moment now," one of the guards informed. He was a dusty sort of color, with worried green eyes. A large scar scored down his backside and along the bone of his right wing. He had thanked the ancestors every day that he was still able to fly.

"Wonderful," the dragoness sung. "I want revenge for my fallen scout."

"Queen Sparkspyre," the second guard chimed in. His hue resembled that of rusty metal, with eyes to match. No scars soiled his bulky frame. His wings were longer than the soldier sitting opposite him. "If I may ask, what was that thing flying around out there? Was it a dragon?"

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