Interview with Liz

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Name/Username: Liz/ohbaby22

Favorite book you've written: It is definitely the Sherlock fan fiction that I haven't posted yet. I can't stop sitting at the computer and just reading it over for fun!

Link to your story: Sorry, not up...yet!

What inspired you to that story: First off, the moment I watched Sherlock I fell in love. Just the way the characters acted and how well played-out it was to keep everyone guessing what was going to happen next. I also love mystery, and it was very exhilarating to write such a well-developed mystery of my own! Secondly, the way other people who fell in love with Shelock wrote their stories made me want to give it a try (and I mean you Esther when I talk about writers being my inspiration)

How did you hear about Wattpad: Like almost everyone else, I was looking for a place to post my stories to show people who don't truly know me, because I hate showing people whom I know my stories. Also, I was looking for a place to read free books by young authors like me!

Overall rating (1-10) of SHERLOCK 1,2, & 3: A solid 10 out of 10. It seriously blew me away it was so well written and right on the dot with the characters. 

How did you hear about it: It came up on my News Feed because I had other Sherlock stories in my library at the time. 

Favorite character and/or scene: Sherlock, of course. His wit and charm get him very far in life, and he will always be stuck on my mind and in my heart. You've done a great job depicting him in your novel. Also, he's not the worst looking guy around. 

Short review: to start off, I will be holding a lot of emotion back because it asks for a short review. If you're looking for a well-written, fast-paced, loveable Sherlock fan fiction, EKShortstories' Sherlock fan fiction is the way to go. There is no way to be disappointed when reading it. Best one yet!

Would I recommend it to others: Simply, HELL YES!

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