Chapter 3

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"Jacob........Hey Jacob. Hello?"

I got snapped out of my trance by Chresanto. I still think this is a dream though. I mean my crush wanting to dance with me of all people. I'm not the best looking person and there are so many people to choose from.

"Jacob, do you still wanna dance?" He asked me with his hand still out.

"Yeah let's go." I grabbed his hand and literally dragged him to he dance floor.

"HAVE FUN YOU TWO!! DON'T HAVE TOO MUCH FUN THOUGH! Don't forget to tell him the thing." I heard Craig yell as we were going to the dance floor.

"What was he talking about? What does he mean? Tell me what thing?" Chresanto started asking me question after question. "To tell you that you ask too many questions. I'll tell you later."

Right when we made our way to the dance floor, All of Me by John Legend came on. Isn't that a coincidence?

Chresanto pulled me close and I felt my cheeks start to warm up. We started to slowly dance his hand on my waist and mine around his neck. We stared at each other for a while until something unexpected happened....

The lights cut off

It was completely dark as people started to panic. I tried to find the door but there were too many people running around screaming for me to get through. As I was walking I felt a pinch in my neck and I started to get dizzy. I tried to stay awake but I couldn't.

Soon, I blacked out.

Hey guys. I haven't updated in forever I'm sorry it's so short but the rest of them will be longer. I will also be changing the way I write the book a little.

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