Chapter Ten

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Gracie's POV

The last thing i heard was a loud bang, then nothing except a constant ringing in my ears. I felt like a great weight had been loaded onto my back.

All i remember was Louis shouting my name, he had a worried look on his face. I didnt know what it was, until now.

There was a figure behing his, standing in the shadows. I could make out the blonde tips of the person's hair, the black framed glasses.

Its was Marcus.

I struggled to open my eyes, when i did my vision was blurred, i couldnt see a thing. Then, about five seconds later i heard scraping of feet. I strained my ears to try and find where the noise was coming from.

The noise stopped. whoever, whatever it was they must have gone, i thought to myself.

Next thing i knew, the weight was lifted of my back. I felt arms around my waist, before i knew it, i was hauled onto someone's back, then lay down on something hard.

It must have been Marcus, who else?

But the only thing was.

Before i was taken, my vision cleared for about 6 seconds. Enough time to take in the wreck of what once was an airport.

Bodies everywhere, suitcases flung open, windows smashed.

To my left, five lads.

A curly haired one,

blonde haired one,

one with a quiff,

Shaved head,

and a brown haired one.

The boys, my boys, the ones that i promised to myself that i would keep them safe. But one thing bugged me.

If Marcus took me, why didnt he take the boys as well?

Lucas' POV

~ ~ ~ ~ flashback ~ ~ ~ ~

I ran up the stairs, to escape from THEM, my mother and father. One more beating, i dont think i could take it. They wanted a girl, not a boy. "a girl is so much sweeter" they would say to my face, "not like you, useless, rude piece of crap".

I bolted into my little sister's room. Yes, SISTER, they had a little girl, but she couldnt do anything useful at the moment. I was old enough to start working for my parents however. Gracie would have no clue of what was coming to her in the future.

I hope she didnt get beaten, she just needs to survive, be polite and you dont get a beating, be rude and you've got a one way ticket to punchville. 

Me? i was getting out of here now, they wont care if im gone. they dont give a damn about me. im 16, i can leave school. Go somewhere that has a brighter future for me.

Thats sure as hell not here in this hell hole.

I grabbed all my stuff and threw it in a random backpack. I made sure to bring my swiss army knife just in case i went somewhere dodgy, or if i needed to unlock anything. e.g. a car.

I will come back for Gracie one day, when ive got my life on track, i will. I gave Gracie a kiss on the forehead and said to her "i'll come back for you, i will" .

With that, i jumped out the window and ran straight through the gate in the wire, not even looking back, or responding to the shouts from the guards.

I grabbed a lifeboat from the shack near the edge of the cliff, quickly pumped it up like my life depended on it.

I jumped in, then pushed the boat over the edge of the cliff. I landed with a large splash which made my stomach do multiple backflips.

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