Chapter Two // Edited and Completed

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Liam's POV

My head throated, I held my hand up to my head to find a wet, sticky, red liquid. "Uh oh" I said to myself, this cant be good. What on earth happened...

I sat up, trying to ignore the rushing pain that was sent to my head, only to be faced by darkness.

"Great" I muttered, I began to wonder how I got here in the first place.

However then it all came flooding back to me...


I walked into the studio to find the boys having a sword fight with their microphone stands, it was clear they had finished recording.

"Me and Dani are going to go down to the pub for a few drinks. Fancy coming?" I asked them.

"Yeah alright, but not for long" Zayn mentioned.

Louis looked sad, Eleanor would have been with him now, and she would also be coming to the pub, if it wasnt for the accident a few months ago.

You see, El was driving to Uni when she got assaulted by 'fans', well haters of her, mainly they were jealous because she was with Louis.

I doubt they ment to seriously hurt her. Probably just wanted to scare her.

But it went out of control.

Eleanor didn't survive, her head was smashed against the bonnet of the car and she suffered from brain damage.

But it was fatal, the doctors said she wouldn't survive.

Louis was heart-broken for weeks, he kept blaming himself, that if he was there, none of this would have happened.

Nevertheless, he stayed by her bedside all day and all night, telling her how much he loved her, and he would never forget her.

The day came when El passed away, it was terrible watching Lou cry by her bedside, but there was nothing we, the doctors or he could even do.

It took Louis a few weeks to realise that Eleanor would have wanted him to move on, not mourn.

At her funeral, when El was laid to rest, Louis spoke softly as he gave her, his final goodbye:

"i'll always love you Eleanor Jane Calder, no matter what, sleep tight babe, I love you"

We all went out to the pub, Perrie and Dani had to go as they had to be going somewhere early in the morning.

After they had left, us lot had made the mistake of walking back home.

As we walked along the pavement,two large men in black hoodies appeared out of nowhere and started making their way towards us.

At first, I wouldn't have thought anything of it. It's only when the men pulled out guns, that we knew something was wrong.

Since Louis and Harry were walking ahead.

They were the first ones to get caught.

Louis POV (still flashback)

Walking home was probably the biggest mistake we had made.

The men approached us at a steady pace, until the first one reached forward and grabbed me by the waist.

I attempted to shout for help, but that only resulted in a glove covered hand being placed on my mouth.

Harry noticed and called the others to come and help, just as they came closer.

The man pulled out his gun.

He spoke with a gravely voice,

"No funny business or I shoot your head off"

I nodded showing I understood, The other man said to the boys,

"In the van now, or we blow this kids head off"

He pointed to the grey van on the edge of the pavement, it had blacked out windows, and from what I could make out.

Someone was in the driver seat.

All the lads climbed into the van, unaware of the situation.

Just not wanting me to get killed.

Both men watched as they trudged.into the van, they then threw me in along with the boys.

"Louis are you alright?" Niall asked me.

I just simply nodded, my thoughts whizzing around my head.

What will happen next?

Where are the taking us?

Will we survive?

The slam of the van door, and the humming of the engine told me we were about to set off.

I dozed off, wondering if this will be the last time I will get to sleep.

***End Of Flashback***

Liam's POV

"Oh God"

we've been kidnapped


Hey guys, heyy.

This is the completed and edited version of Chapter Two :D

I'm guessing it was valentines day when I first posted this.....

» Tomlinblue

Hope // In Editing But Not Finished //Where stories live. Discover now