-=+=- Chapter 7: Then Take Us to Him -=+=-

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-previously on Half Human... Half Lion-

"Why?" Peter questioned.

"To stop the prophecy from coming true!" Mr. Beaver finally answered, "to kill ya!"

"That's why I was in Finchley at professor Kirk's mansion!" I just let out. they all look at each other. Oh no...

-And now on Half Human... Half Lion-

Leona's POV,

"This is all your fault!" Susan started at her brother.

"My fault?" He questioned.

"None of this would have happened if you had just listened to me in the first place!" Susan yelled at her brother.

"Oh! So you knew this would happen?" Peter questioned her again.

"I didn't know what would happen?!" Susan continued again. "Which is why we should have left while we could!" 

"STOP IT!" Me and Lucy screamed in unison.

"This isn't going to help Edmund!" Lucy reminded them.

"Especially yelling and arguing at each other!" I reminded them.

"Their right," Mr. Beaver sighed, "only Aslan can help your brother now." 

"Then take us to him," Peter insisted.

We all return back to the hut that belonged to Mr. Beaver and his wife. His wife was cleaning up the table. She was humming to herself. Mr. Beaver explained everything that has happened recently. In the middle of his explanation, we heard dogs barking and running towards the dam and we needed to hurry!

"Hurry, Mother! They're after us!" Mr. Beaver rushed his wife.

"Oh, right then," Mrs. Beaver said walking over to a cabinet of food.

"What's she doing?!" Peter asked.

"Oh, you'll be thanking me later. It's a long journey and Beaver gets pretty cranky when he's hungry," Mrs. Beaver explains.

"I'm cranky now!"

Susan grew impatient and started wrapping the food in a small cloth. "Do you think we'll need jam?" Susan asked raping all the food up.

"Only if the Witch serves toast!" Peter ridiculously said. Why joke at a time like this?! 

We then heard barks from dogs but they more sounded like barks from wolfs. The Secret Police! Then the wolfs start diggin' into the walls of the little but cosy hut. I say one paw. We all quickly escape down a hole that Mr. Beaver made a while ago.

"Badger and me dug this. Comes out really near his place," Mr. Beaver explained. Peter held a torch to help Mr. Beaver guide the way.

"You told me it led to your mom's!" Mrs. Beaver realized. Lucy fell over but Susan got her up again.

"They're in the tunnel," Lucy heard. I started hearing it too!

"Quick! This way!' Mr. Beaver order. We follow him through the giant holes. We all tell each other to run and quick, well most of the time Mrs. Beaver would keep saying quickly. We all then stop at a dead end. 

"You should have brought a map!" Mrs. Beaver started. 

"There was no more room next to the jam!" Mr. Beaver responded. 

Both Mr. and Mrs. Beaver start digging very quickly up to the surface as we crawled behind them. Peter and Mr. Beaver block up the hole with a barrel. Lucy fell over on some very small statue that looked like a group of small animals. Mr. Beaver then walked over to another statue but it was a different animal but I couldn't tell what animal it was. This must be all the animals that The White Witch as turned into stone.

"I'm sorry dear," I heard Mrs. Beaver said to her husband.

"He was my best mate," He said.

"What happened here?" Peter ask looking around.

"This is what becomes to those who cross the Witch," a strange voice called out. We all turn our heads in shock and see a fox coming out from the shadows.

"You take one more step, traitor, and I'll chew you to splinters!" Mr. Beaver threatens him.

"Relax. I'm one of the good guys," The fox replied. Mrs. Beaver was pullin' her husband away from Fox.

"Yeah? Well, you look an awful lot like one of the bad ones."

"An unfortunate family resemblance," Fox said. "But we can argue breeding later. Right now we've got to move," he informed us. We all look back and we already heard wolfs barking and running towards us.

"What did you have in mind?" Peter ask quickly. Fox looks up. 

We all look up and see a very tall tree. At first I didn't want to go up there but that quickly changed my mind when the sound got louder. I was the last one to get up. we all stand on a tree branch that look very sturdy. The Fox wiped away the footprints with his tail. We all look down and we heard what they were saying. Fix saved our lives when he said that we ran north. They throw him into the ground like he was useless. The wolfs run off leaving him injured. We all climbed down the tree and made a small fire to warm ourselfs up. I sat next to Lucy on the ground when her and her sister were sitting on a log. Mrs. Beaver was busy fixing fox up from his injuries.

"They were helping Tumnus. The Witch got here before I did, " Fox explained. He then yelled of pain but not too loud.

"Are you all right?" Lucy asks sympathetically.

"Well, I wish I could say their bark was worse than their bite. Ow!" Fox answers.

"Stop squirming!" Mrs. Beaver told off. "You're worse then Beaver on bath day!"

"Worst day of the year," Mr. Beaver whispered to us. We all give a little smile.

"Thank you for your kindness, but that's all the cure I have time for," Fox said standing back on his four feet.

"I know a good healing spell that could help you heal faster. I could do that if you like?" I ask.

"Even though that sound really nice of you, I think I'm good for now but thank you for the offer, your highness," he answered then bowed.

"You're leaving?" Lucy asks in shock.

"It has been a pleasure, My Queen, and an honour, but time is short and Aslan himself has asked me to gather more troops." He explained. When I heard my fathers name a smile came upon my face.

"You're seen, Aslan?"

"What's he like?" The Beaver ask with excitement.

"Like everything we've ever heard," The Fox answers the questions. "You'll be glad to have him by your side in the battle against the Witch."

"How is my father?" I asked.

"Better ever since your arrival, your majesty," he answer, making me smile.

"But we're not planning on fighting any witch," Susan said.

"But surely, King Peter, The prophecy!" Fox said looking at him.

"We can't go to war without ya," Mr. Beaver told him.

"We just want our brother back," Peter reminded the beavers. We all then said goodbye to Fox and settle in for the night. This visit is turning into another adventure.

Half Human, Half Lion {A Narnia Fanfiction} -Completed-Where stories live. Discover now