"asexuality doesnt exist!"

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1 ~ "asexuality doesn't exist"

Uh, I'm sorry, can you repeat that? I don't speak imbecile.

what is it exactly about no sexual attraction that makes people think it's impossible? It's like when you don't like a certain food.

"It's impossible for you to not like churros!!"

it's downright rude to asexuals. to most people it's a part of them, and saying it doesn't exist just tears them down.

be considerate. not everybody likes churros. not everyone is asexual. but that doesn't mean that it's nonexistent.

how would you like it if I told you that your sexuality is fake? or what if I told you that you don't exist? how would you feel then, eh? (bad analogy, but you get my point)

- Berri

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