"come on, you have to like someone!"

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4 ~ "come on, you have to wanna have sex with someone!"

let me spell this out for you


I don't want to try it. The idea repulses me. plus, even if I wanted to, sex isn't something you just "try" to see if you "like it"

you're not just like "hey boyfriend I don't know im if ace or not will you screw me so I can be sure. nah it's fine my V card ain't that important anyway"

that's really stupid, and if you think that's okay then you seriously need to rethink your morals. whether you're religious or not just sleeping around with everyone is a crappy idea.

Maybe I'm not Aromantic, maybe I'm just heteroromantic or biromantic etc, then I'll just date people but never have sex. Why does that concern you? Do I have to have sex for your life goals to be achieved?

I didn't realize you were so obsessed with my sex life. You want me to start sending out tweets to keep you updated?

"today someone offered to show me how good sex is. I punched them in the face."

"even Taylor Launtner's abs or Niki Manaj's buns (Hun) can't bring me out of my asexuality"

"day 1047294... still not gonna do the do"

No friends playing truth or dare, I mean it when I say I don't like someone. Shocker, eh? it is possible! (holla @TylerVC)

so please, take my answer and be content with it. I don't want to have sex. I don't care if it's someone from school or a supah-fine actor or actress. No thank you.

- Berri

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