Chapter 30:

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I woke up to Brandon rubbing my stomach. "I'll love you no less if you are my third baby girl, but please be my baby boy."

"Really Brandon?" I ask with my eyes still closed while placing my hand over his.

"What? I'm trying to give him some encouragement."

I laughed lightly. "I don't think it works like that bae."

"Can I be great?" He asks squeezing my ass with his other hand.

"Yes, yes you can." I said laying more into him wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Be careful don't squish him."

I sucked my teeth. "Brandon this is our third pregnancy and you still with this don't squish them thing."

"Aye I gotta be sure."

"Oh looks who's up on time on her own for once." I said as Brei walked into our room.

"Morning." She said climbing over Brandon to rub my stomach.

Wonder where she gets that from.

I'm 18 weeks now with a small bump and they can't help, but rub my stomach whenever they can. Bryna's the only one that really doesn't acknowledge it.

"Morning. Ready to get ready for school?" I ask her.

"Yeah," She yawned. "I got cheerleading practice today."

"I know I'ma be with you showin yall how to shake it." I joked making her giggle.

"Aye, ain't gonna be no shaking of nothing." Brandon said.

"Daddy you silly." Brei said laying back on to his chest.

"I ain't silly, I'm serious." He said tickling her.

"Come on so we can go wake Bryna up." I said getting up and she hops up running out the room.

"Damn," Brandon said slapping my ass as I stood next to his side of the bed to unplug my phone.

I smiled rolling my eyes.


"Did you eat?" My mom asks over the phone as me and Brandon walked into the house from dropping the girls off then my doctors appointment.

"About to now mom. You and Brandon kill me."

"I'm just making sure you don't end up like I was with you."

"And I appreciate that." I said honestly.

"How did your appointment go?"

"Good. She said everything's looking good."

"Okay. Drop my grandbabies off here later."

"Oh Nan don't gotta ask, huh? She just says."

"You damn right." She said making me laugh.

"I'll have them there. Don't forgot it's a school night."

"Karma, I know."

"Okay, just checking to know if I'ma have to get up early to come get them or not."

"No lazy, we got it."

"Okay, you're appreciated!" I yelled

"Why must you and Kaine always be extra on the phone with me?"

"Because we love you."

"Girl bye."

"Say it back mom."

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