Memory - S.S

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You walk into your apartment, the scent of freshly cooked pasta filling the air. Sadie grins at you from the kitchen, her apron slightly askew. "I hope you're ready for my famous spaghetti," She teases, a playful glint in her eye. You can't help but smile as you set the table, the soft music in the background setting a cozy mood.

"Need any help?" You ask, leaning against the counter.

"Just your company," She replies, stirring the sauce with a flourish.

As you both sit down to eat, the conversation flows effortlessly, punctuated by laughter and the clinking of wine glasses. "Remember our first date?" Sadie says, her eyes twinkling with mischief.

"You mean the one where you tripped over the waiter?" You tease back, earning a mock glare.

"Hey, it was a strategic move to get your attention," She counters, making you laugh.

Later, you cuddle on the couch, wrapped in a warm blanket, feeling the contentment of the evening settle in. "This is perfect." You whisper, and Sadie nods, her fingers intertwined with yours.

"It really is." She agrees softly, her head resting on your shoulder. Sadie soon uplifts her face again, facing you with that loving look in her ocean eyes. "But, seriously, our first date? We were just a couple of rebellious teens who didn't know much about love, but we knew how to have fun."

"Yeah, you took me up to the old arcade down the street. I remember that you wouldn't leave until you won me a prize from the claw machine." Your hands landing in her lap, shifting your body ever so slightly so your head laid on her chest. "I still have that dolphin, by the way."

"You kept him? After all this time?" She asked, running her fingers through your hair. You nodded with a smile of nostalgia. "Why?"

"It not only meant a lot to me, but it meant a lot to you, too. You spent over an hour and $50 just trying to win me that dolphin." You sighed contently — your eyes instinctively closing when Sadie's hand slipped under your shirt to lightly graze her nails along your back, knowing it would soothe you. "And for that, it will forever hold a special place in my heart."

"I really love you, you know that?" Sadie breathed out blissfully, her eyes and heart in awe.

You opened your eyes to cup her jaw with one of your hands, a smile ghosting your lips. "Oh, I know." You whispered, "And I really love you more."

"Hmm, that's impossible." Sadie teased and leaned down to nuzzle her nose against yours.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19 ⏰

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