Fuck 'em up - S.S

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Warning: violence, sexual assault, mentions of sexual assault

You flipped through the pages of the script for the new season of Stranger Things, humming a tune to yourself. You suddenly felt the presence of someone nearby. You turned around only to find a tall man, maybe 2 years older than you, dark hair and hazel eyes.

"Hi, I'm Damien." He greeted and you didn't exactly shake his hand since he was just an extra. You had no clue what he wanted with you. "Oh." He glanced down at the rage on his shirt. "I get it. Extra's don't talk to the main characters but I just thought that you looked really pretty. I had to shoot my shot."

"I have a girlfriend." You blunted, but you put an innocent face on so your words didn't sound so harsh, hoping he'd go away.

Damien shrugged his shoulders, taking a step closer to you. "Yeah but how long do you think that relationship will last?"

"Fuck off." You growled as you stood from your chair, shoving his shoulder as you walked by, going to find Sadie.


"He wanted to ask me out and when I said I had a girlfriend, he asked me how long do I think it would last." You hissed as you vented to Sadie who sat on the bed of your trailer, her hands behind her head as she listened intently. "What a dick."

"Who is this guy?" Sadie questioned, sitting up a little.

You shrugged your shoulders. "Some extra named Damien, I guess."

"Mh." Sadie hummed, shuffling on the bed as she walked towards you, hugging you from behind. "Just ignore the little asshole. I'll take care of it, if it gets worse, okay?" You nodded, feeling a lot safer with your girlfriend.

"Okay." You sighed and Sadie smiled.

"Good." She gently smacked your ass. "Now get ready for our scene." She winked while you giggled.


While the rest of the cast lay asleep in the beds in their trailers, you were awake in yours. You brewed a fresh pot of coffee, pouring it in your favorite mug that Sadie bought for you before taking a seat on your bed, turning the tv on.

A sudden knock on your door had you jumping. You wondered who it could be, Sadie was usually the only one who gave you surprise visits at the dead of night. Maybe it's her.

Regardless, you stood from your bed and opened the door. Shock overcame your veins when you saw Damien standing there, but the look in his eyes was different than the first time you met him.

"Damien, what are you doing-" He shoved his hand over your mouth, blocking out any sound from coming out as he shut the door behind him. You thrashed around when his arms wrapped tightly around you.

"Shh shh." Damien hushed in your ears, a dark look in his eyes as he grabbed a black cloth from his pocket, stuffing it in your mouth and tying it around your head. He pushed you onto your bed, you tried crawling away but he had more strength than you did.

Damien grabbed your ankles, slamming them onto the bed. Meanwhile, he had thick ropes that he used to the you to the head post. It was useless to scream but you kept trying anyway, but everything you yelled came out muffled and quiet.

"Shut up." Damien growled sickly in your ear, licking your neck as you gagged at the feeling. "I need you and I'm going to have you."


Sadie whistled as she waltzed to your trailer, pushing the door open she saw you curled up in a ball in the corner of the room.

"Baby?" She called out gently, catching your attention. "What's wron-" She couldn't get another word out since you suffocated her in a huge hug, crying your eyes out into her shoulder.

Sadie immediately wrapped her arms around you as well, kissing the top of your head as she cooed softly in your ear. "Hey, shh. It's okay, baby. I'm here. I'm here." She comforted.

You slowly pulled away, only enough to look her in the eyes. Hers showed concern. Yours showed fear. She cupped your face to dry your tears as you opened your mouth. "He touched me." You whispered out in a broken cry.

Sadie wanted to punch a wall but she remained calm for you. "Who did?" She asked dangerously low.

"D-Damien." You stuttered and if you didn't have such a tight hold of your girlfriend, she would've stormed out of here to kill him.

Instead, pushing her anger side (for now), she brought you over to the couch, sitting you in her lap as she rocked you side to side.


The next day, Sadie's anger was boiling over. She was determined to find Damien. And that she did. He was laughing with all the other extras, even the main cast, and producers. She caught sight of you, seeing you curled up in Maya's side made relief wash over her.

"Hey Damien!" Sadie yelled as the entire cast looked at her, including you, but her eyes were stuck on him.

"What's up?" Damien greeted with a smile, walking towards her. "How are you- SHIT!" He cut himself off with a scream as Sadie punched him right in the away, causing him to stumble back till his back hit the ground.

"You fucking touched her?! You're so dead!" Sadie growled loudly as she jumped on him, causing the cast to gasp as Damien received many blows to the head and chest.

Finally, the Duffer Brothers and Joe grabbed Sadie by her arms, pulling her off of him. "I'll make you wish you were never alive, you sick son of a bitch!" The ginger kept yelling as you rushed from your seat, trying to calm your girlfriend down.

"Yeah! Fuck 'em up!" Caleb encouraged Sadie but immediately shut up when Millie gave him a warning look. "Or not..."

"Sadie, what is the matter?!" Ross asked. Joe held Damien down to the ground. Sadie wouldn't do this without a reason.

"That piece of shit touched my girlfriend!" Sadie screamed, you tried rubbing her shoulders to calm her down but nothing was working. "I'm going to kill him."

"Hey hey hey." Natalia rushed over as well, blocking Sadie's view of Damien. "Calm down, you're scaring, Y/N." She whispered to the girl who glanced at you, her face softening.

She managed to rip her arms out of the Duffer Brother's hold, wrapping you up in her arms. You buried your face in her neck, grabbing her shirt tightly.

"Alright." Ross sighed, signaling to his brother to get his phone. "Let's call the cops."

Damien was now moved to lay on the ground, his face all bloody, broken, and bruised as Joe kept watch of him. Everyone else knew Sadie wouldn't do anything else with you in her arms, but the second you were out of the room, there would be no promises that Damien would be alive by the time you come back.

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