Milk - S.S

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(A/N: kinda based on that one episode of Friends)

You cradled your baby boy, Nicky, in your arms with a smile on your face. Sadie raised the beer in her hand up to her mouth to take a sip, watching you with warmth in her eyes.

"Uh, Sades?" You gently called out and your wife hummed in response. "Can you get his bottle please?" Sadie immediately stood up to grab the bottle prepped for Nicky.

"Here you are, love." She kissed the side of your head as you silently thanked her.

Olivia spoke up from the couch beside Jenna. "Have you guys ever tried breast milk?" She suddenly asked, causing Sadie to choke on her beer.

"I have." You raised your hand. "Don't choke, dear." You looked at Sadie.

"Sorry." Sadie cleared her throat as Liv sat up.

"Is it possible for me to try it?" The singer asked and Sadie looked at her with wide eyes after you shrugged.

"Just a little, I still need to feed him." You mumbled and handed her the bottle to which she flipped over and let a droplet of the milk fall on the back of her hand. Conan suddenly stood up in unison with Jenna.

"Us too." They said at the same time while Liv reached over and dropped some on the back of their hand as well.

You chuckled at their eagerness to try it. "Alright, let me have that." You took the bottle as you used to help feed Nicky now. Sadie stood as your three friends all tasted the milk off of their hands.

"Ooh, that's sweet." Conan chuckled with a smile.

"Tastes good though." Jenna and Liv shrugged at the same time. Sadie looked back and forth between them.

"That's kind of gross." She slowly said and you looked at her with raised eyebrows. Your friends noticed this and silently prayed for Sadie to continue living after today.

"Is it now?" You tilted your head at your wife.

"Well, I mean-"

Conan cut Sadie's stutter off. "Don't knock it till you try it." He mocked with a smirk, causing Sadie to roll her eyes.

"Alright, fine. Let me try." You sighed as you reluctantly pulled the bottle away from Nicky for a split second to drop a small amount on Sadie's hand before continuing to feed him peacefully.

All four of you watched in anticipation as Sadie tried the milk off her hand. You waited for her reaction until she said, "It's... okay." She grimaced slightly which had your friends rolling their eyes.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever, Sink." Liv giggled and lightly shoved your wife's shoulder as Conan laughed with Jenna. You smiled playfully and bumped your shoulders with Sadie, whispering privately with her as your friends were too busy drowning in their own conversation.

"It was good, huh?" You teasingly asked with a smirk.

Sadie hesitated for a moment before nodding eagerly. "Yep, I will never underestimate how good breast milk is."

"Thank you but no more, the rest is for Nicky." You scolded slightly which had Sadie smiling mischievously as she wrapped her arms around your waist, leaning down to whisper in your ear.

"Not even straight from the source?" You thought about it with a blush on your face. Sadie took that as her answer. "Can't wait for tonight then." Your wife winked at you as she smacked your ass lightly when walking past you to accompany your friends.

"Jesus Christ." You muttered in shock and fluster. Nicky babbled in response. "Mama is one horndog." You joked with a smirk, kissing his forehead.

Sadie Sink ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now