Episode 29: Lyric- The Day it all Changed

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When I heard about what happened, Aiko and I were experimenting with accessing the Fire Arcana while I called on my flames. The crowd outside of the infirmary was huge, every cohort was represented. Andrew was more popular than I'd ever thought. After twenty minutes of waiting, Mr. Holden came out and instructed everyone to return to the dorms. Reluctantly, I left with the others.

I caught sight of Andrea standing beside a tree and realized she was all alone. Knowing what it was like after what happened to my family, I didn't want that for her. Waving to grab her attention from the infirmary windows, I approached.

"Good evening."

"Good evening, Lyric Psalm."

"Everyone is heading home," I said, unsure exactly what to say.

"Yeah. I'm going to stay here for a little while longer."

"Oh. Do you want company?"

She stared at me in her strange analytical way. Of the three contemporaries at The Institute, Andrea seemed the most alien. Andrew was a diluted collection of his friends and teachers. Di was constantly changing as if still trying to find herself. Andrea was like the contemporaries outside; cold, calculating, and not quite human.

After a long moment, she nodded.

"I would like that."

I moved to the other side of the tree and quietly waited with her. As the other students cleared out, I caught sight of some familiar faces like Blair and McClintock. I thought I saw Manon in the crowd, but she kept her distance and I wasn't fucking with her unless she was fucking with me. Eventually, we were completely alone.

"I can feel my brother flickering on the network, and he won't respond." She bawled her hands into fists. "I don't like this feeling. I need him to respond to me."

"I think I know a bit of how you feel. My sisters had been by my side my entire life, always there for me until I woke up here and they weren't." I reached into my tote and touched the babydoll inside. I don't know why the little thing gave me any comfort. I didn't have one when I was little, but somehow this doll made me feel better.

"Andrew and I have always been together. He's a part of me and I'm a part of him. We even share the same thoughts and feelings." She met my gaze then looked away. "Sometimes."

I tried to imagine what it would have been like to share thoughts with Laurell or Lydia. The idea was too strange.

"That would be weird."

"It is. I don't always know if what I'm feeling originated with me or with him."

"That's crazy..."

We stood there in silence for a little while. I glanced around the tree to make sure she was still there and again our gazes met. This time she didn't look away. In the depths of her eyes I saw something that made my heart thunder in my chest. I giggled nervously before bringing myself under control and looking down at her shoes. I squeezed the doll in my bag and wondered what the heck had come over me. Andrea came around the tree and stood beside me, close enough to touch but not.

"Andrew has strong feelings for you. He– we want to get to know you better." She raised her hand to my cheek, but stopped just shy of touching me. The heat of her hand made my face burn. "These emotions are overwhelming... I'm not sure how Andrew controls himself around you."

"He's a gentleman and understands the importance of restraint." I took that last step and kissed her gently on the lips. Stepping back, I pushed a braid out of my eyes. "I'm sorry. Not sure why I did that."

It was impulsive and crazy, yet it felt right.

"I wanted to do that too, but I wasn't sure how."

I looked around, trying to find anywhere but her all too familiar face to rest my eyes. Finally I gave up. "Do you want to head back to the dorms? We can walk together."

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