Episode 28: Toni- Boss Fight

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"You should run along, Fabian," Lyric said, getting up from the back porch swing. "I'm not in the mood."

Growling, I jumped over the porch railing and circled around behind her. She shook as she raised her hands over her head, glancing back at me while trying to keep an eye on Lyric and Larry.

"I'm not here to fight, I'm here to tell you something important."

I grabbed her shoulder, squeezing until she yelped.

"If you didn't want to fight, you probably should have stayed in Sword House. My friends told me what you've been doing to them and I don't like it."

"I'm sorry. I'm really sorry."

She pulled away and crouched down as if making herself a smaller target would save her. I wound up for a good kick and Larry cried out. The poor softhearted nerd didn't know anything about dealing with bullies. I was prepared to show him.

"Toni, wait," Lyric said, coming over. She knelt down beside Fabian. "If this is a trick, you're going to regret it."

"It's not a trick. I just wanted to warn you."

"Warn me?"

"Stand up," I snapped. "If I need to slap you, I don't wanna have to bend down."

Fabian looked to Lyric for help, but Lyric only moved back to give her space. Andrew moved to the railing, watching us in that weird contemporary way that means he's studying. Fabian looked from Lyric to me and then to Larry.

"I just want to help."

"Then speak up," he said, his blue eyes growing hard. "You've done too much to deserve our unearned compassion."

"I just wanted to warn Lyric that Manon is obsessed with getting you to leave the school—"

"We already know that," I growled, though I actually didn't.

Lyric glared at Larry, having not quite forgiven him for telling me what was happening.

"But you don't know why."

We all looked at each other. From their faces, I clearly wasn't the only one in the dark. Lyric went over to Andrew and tapped his shoulder, bringing him out of deep thought.

"This is private," she said.

"Should I leave?"

Lyric chewed on her lip for a moment then shook her head. The hunky doll smiled.

"You can stay. I'd just appreciate it if you didn't share what you hear."

He looked longingly into her eyes. "I can do that."

"Good." She looked away as her cheeks darkened.

They were another pair that needed to kiss already.

With that settled, Fabian had everyone's full attention except Larry, who continued to scan the area. That Manon bitch really had them paranoid.

"A few months after you arrived, we were on a trip to the city when a girl approached us saying she'd dropped out of The Institute and found a school that treated its students like adults," she took a deep breath, "and taught them real power."

"Sounds like a loon," I muttered under my breath.

"Manon laughed at her and walked away. The next time we went out, the girl showed up again. With the same story, but this time she showed us what she could do. It was crazy, and I was impressed. Manny was more than impressed, thinking back on it, she might have been bewitched. The girl said she was recruiting. She said she could get us into her school." Fabian looked at the ground. "All we had to do was make some new girl dropout."

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