~Tiara~ Xaden x Violet (Part 1)

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This is written before Onyx Storm, which will presumably have closure on this. I am writing this after finishing reading Iron Flame. Contains MAJOR spoiler for the end of that book.


"He's Venin?" Mira spat. What could I say in response to that? It was the truth. Mira continued to berate him into the empty air. "He's so foolish! I told you you'd get your heart broken Violet. What's going to happen to Sgaeyl?"

"Xaden seems to be controlling his tendencies for now," I explained to my sister. "He is still the leader of the Riorson House, of our opposition against Basgaith and our fight against the Venin."

"Even if he's one himself?" Her words were breaking my heart, like saying them aloud made them more true. She scoffed and continued pacing the room. "Do the others know?"

"Just the council," I replied. "They aren't sure what to do either. Brennan is currently stepping-up, since they've forced him to take a leave of absence."

"Where is he now?" Mira scowled.

"In his room somewhere," I shrugged. "I saw him there this morning."

"Why do I feel like the first chance he gets, he's going to fly to the enemy side? Tairn needs to make sure Sgaeyl doesn't get— get corrupted!"

"He did it for everyone!" I cried out, but Mira was storming away. She seemed more upset than I was, perhaps because she had been fighting this war longer.

As Mira stormed off, her words echoed in the air, leaving me grappling with the weight of her fears and frustrations. The truth about Xaden being Venin threatened to unravel everything we had fought for. Yet, despite the revelation, a part of me couldn't abandon the hope I held for Xaden. He had sacrificed so much to stand against the tyranny of the Venin. His eyes, haunted by secrets and burdens, still held a flicker of determination—a spark that refused to be extinguished.

I found myself drawn to Xaden's chamber, the place where he wrestled with his own demons. The door creaked open under my touch, revealing a dimly lit room adorned with maps and relics from our battles. Xaden stood by the window, his silhouette a stark contrast against the fading light of dusk.

"Violet," he greeted softly, not turning to face me. "I presume Mira has learned the truth."

"Why do you say that?" I sat on his bed, and he continued to stare out the


"Because she stormed in here, screamed at me about being Venin, and then left the room."

I sighed, "My sister is a bit stubborn. But we're all worried about you. I mean... I'm worried. Tairn and Sgaeyl aren't speaking, and, I mean, what if you..." My voice cracked, "What if you wake up today or tomorrow and don't love me anymore?"

He whipped around, his now red eyes soft. "That will never happen, Violence. Never."

His words enveloped the room, weaving through the shadows like threads of hope. I reached out, closing the distance between us. "We'll face this together, Xaden. No matter what challenges lie ahead."

A hint of a smile played on his lips, dispelling the heaviness that had settled upon us. "Together," he echoed, his hand finding mine. His lips brushed against mine, and I gratefully accepted the kiss.

"You should leave," He murmured, "Before I do something I regret."

"Why would you regret it?" I groaned into his mouth.

"It's not the right time now," He replied, eyes darkening. "It would be too dangerous. I could, I don't know, you could get hurt."

I nodded, understanding, and stood. "I'm here if you need me, Xaden. Always."


600 Words, easing back into writing this fanfic again! I plan to make a second part for this little section. I hope you enjoyed haha. I'm wrapping up another fanfic I'm doing and some books I'm reading so I can focus on this more. <3

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