Ridoc x Reader Oneshot

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1344 Words, YUP I GOT CARRIED AWAY- It was only meant to be like 200 words but I uh... kinda got into writing this lmfao. Anyways have fun reading this it's pretty spicy by my own standards. 


"Congrats Y/n!" Sloane punched my arm, "A red daggertail is no joke."

"Says the girl who also brought back a red daggertail." I laughed. The lemonade was beginning to take its effect on me—actually, both of us.

"Oh no," Sloane groaned. "It's Violet. Probably coming to warn me about all the dangers to come. I have to go hide." Drink still in her hand, she stumbled into the hall.

I chuckled, and refilled my glass with the lemonade. Violet approached me, Ridoc at her heels. "Y/n, have you seen Sloane?"

"I'm not sure..." I lied, "Maybe she went celebrating with someone. I wouldn't..." My words slurred, "I wouldn't bother her right now."

"Thanks Y/n, I'll check the flight field just in case." The Sorrengail strode past the first-years and into the brisk outdoors, leaving me and her friend Ridoc alone.

I raised an eyebrow. "Ice-wielder, right?"

"Yup." He grinned. Ridoc was on the smaller side, but still had about an inch on me. "You're in third-wing right? We totally kicked your ass last year during the challenge matches."

"Good thing I wasn't here last year," I cracked.

Ridoc took a glass of lemonade from a server, and took a sip of the full glass. "Hey, the jokes are my thing."
"Are they? You haven't made a single one yet."

Without delay he replied, "I was just waiting for the perfect moment to unleash my comedic genius."

"Still waiting."

"I refuse to take advantage of a drunk girl. Once I start, you'll find me so funny you'll be laughing all the way to my bedroom."

"Is that so?" I put down the empty cup. "Because I'll have you know I'm not nearly drunk enough to fall for that kind of line. You can do better..." Shit what was his name? "Ridoc."

"Get used to the name," He quipped, and inched closer so that he was whispering in my ear. "I think you'll be saying that a lot in—" He looked at his wrist for a pretend watch. "Less than ten minutes."

"If you're so confident you better go ahead and prove that." I wrapped my fingers around his wrist. "Go on then, bring me someplace."

He couldn't hide his satisfaction as we left the canteen room and towards the sleeping quarters. I noticed several other couples in the hallways, chattering amongst themselves or heading towards their own rooms.

"Home sweet home," He opened the door for me. A rippling sensation grazed my skin, wards. From the feel of them, though, they weren't very strong. "Just a little noise protection," He answered my question. "It's not too late to back out if you want."

A smile pursed my lips, "And why would I do that? You, me, bed, alone, celebrating?"

"Well, when you put it like that." Ridoc finally closed the door and clicked the lock shut. "How would you like to proceed, Y/n? I'll have you know I'm quite good with my fingers."

"So I've heard." I nodded, "Since you're so keen on your capabilities, how about we start with that?" He didn't reply and approached me, and with those long fingers wrapped them halfway around the nape of my neck, bringing me into a deep kiss. He breathed with the rhythm of our collision, a slight vibration passing between us. Between the lemonade, the heat of the moment, and a very attractive man it felt like absolute fire.

My ass hit the bed and Ridoc pulled off my riding leathers piece by piece. The jacket was the first to go, which flung to who knows where. Afterwards came my shirt up and over my head, and then the corset unbuttoned in a matter of seconds. All the while the steady beat of our hearts matched each other's pace.

His lips moved from my mouth to my jaw, then occupied themselves at my neck. Through my skin he mumbled, "Mhum, how do you feel about hickeys?"

"Like I'd do just about anything to get one right now."

"Your wish is my command, m'lady." His tongue swirled in a single spot before his teeth came in, gently nipping. He began to suck, softly at first, his hands wrapping around my body to grab my lower back. But then he continued the vacuum until the blue and purple marks began to form. One after another down to my collarbone, which was my sensitive area, and I shivered. A soft whimper escaped my throat.

"Yeah no shit I'm hard now," He finally took a short break and wiped his mouth on the back of his hand. His rough hands, which had been riding a dragon for the past year, came to my waistband. He eyed me to see my reaction, and my own eyes merely fluttered in response.

Taking this as a form of consent he pulled my pants down the rest of the way, my underwear soon following in hot pursuit. I braced myself on the bed and gripped the sheets as his tongue once again began to work. It first started on the insides of my thighs before gliding its way to my clit.

"Damn, fuck we should've done this sooner." My head rolled back, and for a moment I was transported to another word, one that only consisted of pleasure.

The room was cold, and contrasted the heat that was blistering through me.

"Y/n L/n," Ridoc murmured. "My full name is Ridoc Gamlyn." He rose, and pushed me onto the bed. I stared at the ceiling as he took off his shirt, revealing toned muscles I could stare at for ages. This wasn't a relationship or anything of course, just a little celebration action, but if we were something I could picture myself staring and admiring him for hours on end.

"Like what you see?" He smirked. "Listen closely, you're going to do exactly what I say, alright?" I nodded my head in quick agreement. "You can be as loud as you want in here, so I expect you to say my name. No, not just say it, moan it. Got it?" I nodded my head once more. "Use your words, m'lady."

"Y—yes. I got it." I nodded my head rapidly.

"Good." He leaned down and this time began on the left side of my neck. His fingers went into his mouth to wet them, not that they even really needed to be wet, and he inserted the pointer finger. I gasped, and wrapped my hands around his upper back, just to have something to grip onto. Ridoc gave me a chance to adjust, and then had the nerve to insert another right afterwards. I waited a second for him to start moving, but when he didn't I was unsure of what to say or do.

"Grind," He ordered. "Fucking grind Y/n." I let my instincts cloud my thoughts and did what I was told.

"Ah, oh shit," I rolled my hips, "R—r... Ridoc, Ridoc Gamlyn."

"Keep doing that," He grunted, and with his left hand took off his own remaining clothes in one swift motion. His mouth went to my chest now and his hands curled and worked pushing me closer to the edge. Without almost any delay he took out his pointer and middle finger, only to thrust his length into me.

"Gods, ah, ah—" I was being reduced to incoherent babble. His thumb brushed over my clit, adding to the pleasure.

Ridoc, as he had done before, started slow and gave me time to adjust before picking up the pace and letting his own desires take over. The seconds were ticking by as both of us were building, driving, getting ever closer.

"Almost," He groaned, "You need longer?"

"There, there I'm org-" My words were cut off by my own cry of pleasure. My hips rolled for the last time and I fell into the pillow, breathing a sigh. He was a millisecond later, and finished with a noise between a gasp and a grunt.

Ridoc pulled out and laid down beside me with a flop. His dark brown hair covered one of his eyes, and he wouldn't stop grinning. "Well then, Y/n, I've proven myself haven't I?"

"Indeed you did. I shall never doubt your prowess again."

"Careful, it'll go to my head."

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