Xaden Vs Dain (V2)

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By popular request, here is another alternate version of Xaden vs Dain. If this one gets 4 votes and more then 3 comments (by different people) I'll do a V3 as well. :)


(Violet, finds Dain before Xaden does. She decides to confront him on her own before he arrives).

"We're alive." Violet's voice was sharp as she confronted Dain, her eyes blazing with intensity. She needed answers, and she needed them now.

Dain spun around, his expression a mix of surprise and apprehension. "Violet? What are you doing here?"

A crack of lightning sizzled the air "I'm here to find out the truth," she said, her voice trembling with suppressed rage. "About what happened." Her hands were closed in fists by her side.

Dain's faltered slightly. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Don't play dumb with me," Violet snapped, taking a step closer. "We both know what you did."

Dain shifted uncomfortably. "I was only trying to do what I thought was best for everyone."

"Best for everyone?" Violet scoffed. "You call putting us all in danger 'best for everyone'? You were willing to sacrifice us to the Venin!"

Dain's eyes widened in alarm, but also confusion. "What are Venin?"

"We survived, despite your betrayal," Violet continued, her voice growing stronger with each word. "But things could have ended much worse."

Dain opened his mouth to speak, but Violet cut him off. "Save your excuses. I trusted you, Dain. We all did. And you let us down."

His shoulders slumped in defeat. "I never meant for any of this to happen."

"Intentions mean nothing when the result is betrayal," Violet said, her voice cold and final. "You're no longer one of us. At least to me, I don't consider you a rider."

Her words were like a slap in the face, but before Dain could respond, Xaden appeared behind Violet, his presence like a looming shadow.

"Violet, is everything alright?" Xaden's voice was calm, but there was a steely edge to it.

Violet turned to face him, her expression softening slightly. "Everything's fine now."

Xaden glanced at Dain, his gaze hardening. "I think it's time we had a talk, one guy to another"

With a nod from Violet, Dain disappeared in a swirl of shadows, and Xaden put his mental shields up so Violet couldn't hear.

Xaden cleared his throat, "I think it's time that you move on, instead of trying to kill your ex-best-friend." His eyes darkened, "Don't you think?"

"I think you are sending me empty threats that I can report to the council," Dain stated. "I am merely following the codex."
"You follow the codex, yet you endanger one of those on your team. You knew she would die. Admit it, you know all about the Venin."

"I know they are fabled creatures, and you've been plotting with the Griffin fliers to attack Navarre!" Dain shot back.

"And I know that you are now a liar. I don't trust liars, Aetos, and I certainly don't trust liars that prey on Violence."

The shadows fell, and Dain's breath steadied. He watched nervously as Sgaeyl made a smooth landing from the sky, stopping short from crushing him by mere feet. Steam came from her nostrils, and the blue daggertail seemed, well, pissed.

"Leave," Xaden glared, "That's an order, Aetos." He watched as he began to leave, and Xaden continued over Dain's shoulder, "Your betrayal speaks volumes! And that cuts deeper into a person then any blade would. Actions have consequences, Dain. So next time I might not be so forgiving."

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