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❛ surprise visit  ❜

AFTER RECEIVING YOUR provisional licenses, Midoriya and Bakugo were put on house-arrest for three days due to a physical altercation that took place that same night. It was a shock to the rest of the class. Everyone was asleep, and had no idea what was the cause of the fight was. They unfortunately missed out on multiple classes, and a lot of crucial information for upcoming lessons. You and the rest of 1-A were forbidden from keeping them updated, much to Bakugo's dismay. Currently, it was the weekend, and you were relaxing in the lobby of the dormitories along with Mina. Sero and Kirishima were in the kitchen whipping up some strange concoction. Thankfully their career paths were pro-heroes, and not chefs. The rest of 1-A had either went home to visit family, or left to run some errands.

"... And then I fell, and almost broke my arm! It was crazy!" Mina exclaimed, going on about some story she wanted to share with you. You laughed, before noticing Mina scoot closer toward you. You paused, staring at her in confusion. Her demeanor grew very serious.

"So," She whispered. "How's things with Bakugo? All the girl's have been talking about you two! C'mon, spill the beans!" Your face flushed immediately, and you covered your face. You were hoping they'd forgotten what you said the other day, but obviously not. Suddenly, taking you by surprise, the hothead himself came from around the corner. He wore a black hoodie, along with some grey sweats. He nodded toward you.

"Yo, (L/n)." Bakugo said, earning your attention. Everyone else in the room grew quiet, wondering what he had called your name for. "Let's go train." Wanting to get away from Mina's inquiries, you stood up, nodding your head.

"Uh, yeah, okay." You were already in comfortable clothes, so there was no need to change. Bakugo simply walked out of the dorms, and you followed close behind, waving goodbye to Mina. She grinned, sending you a thumbs up. Since Bakugo's suspension was up, you assumed he wanted to get warmed up, and be ready before the new week started.

"There's an open field not too far from my house. I used to always train there. We can take the bus." He said, not looking back at you. As you followed the ash-blonde toward the bus stop, you stared quietly at the back of his head. Although Bakugo was a bit annoying, he was a great person to train with. He kept you on your toes, and pushed you to your limit... but, in all honestly, you weren't in the mood to train today.

"Uh ..." You began, hesitantly. "How about we do something else today? Training is getting kind of old, to be honest—" He stopped in his tracks, spinning around to face you.

"What the fuck are you talking about?" He questioned. "I've missed out on too much shit to not be training right now. What the fuck else shoulda we be doing?" Your shoulders slumped in disappointment, and you quietly agreed. Staring down at you, Katsuki noticed your disappointed demeanor. He sighed, remembering the stupid deal he made with you. He wasn't the type to go against his word. He sucked up his feelings, and gave in.

"Fine. We can go out to eat or something—" Your eyes lit in excitement at his suggestion. "—after we train." You shrugged, following him onto the newly-arrived bus. A win is a win, and if you'd have to get roughed up to get a bite to eat, then so be it. Much to your surprise, the bus was over-crowded with people. The two of you were forced to stand in the middle, holding onto the handrails above. According to Bakugo, you had about two stops before you reached your destination.

"Ah, it's so packed ..." You muttered, being pushed into Bakugo against your wishes. There was far too many people for your comfort, and they kept bumping into you. Your face began to heat up, not only from how tight it was, but from nervousness. You weren't used to being so close to the ash-blonde. He was taller than you, so you were face-to-face with his chin. He had a strong scent; almost like a fire-pit, mixed with a sweet smell— caramel, maybe? Either way, he smelt good. You would've expected him to reek of sweat from the constant training he did. The bus came to a halt, and the doors opened.

𝐅𝐀𝐊𝐄 𝐁𝐎𝐘𝐅𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐃, k. bakugoWhere stories live. Discover now