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There are literal hours of footage that Jungkook has to edit. Unfortunately, that means that the video can't be sent in an email attachment. He has to get a physical copy from Seokjin—it's copied onto a hard drive that he has. Jungkook has to go get it from him.

Fucking terrific.

He goes to the office early in the morning, not wanting to waste any time he has for the next week and a half—the deadline to send in the edit. The walk to the office is familiar now, but there's something heavy and grimy in Jungkook's tummy, either a ball of anxiety or a ball of guilt, or both.

Seokjin is wearing a white button-up with a black blazer. His hair is combed back and gelled into place, showing off much more of his forehead than Jungkook is used to seeing. A part of Jungkook wants to mention it and tell Seokjin he looks great in black and looks like a wet dream with his gelled—almost carelessly, slightly messy—hair. But he stands up tall and reminds himself that he's not here to chit chat and flirt. He's here for one reason and one reason only.

"Hi, Seokjin-ssi," he greets him as he steps up to the desk. He doesn't bother to sit. "Do you have the hard drive ready for me?"

Seokjin's eyes crinkle as he smiles. "Hi, Jungkook. It's right here."

The ball of guilt and anxiety swarms over Jungkook now. He panics whenever Seokjin barely lifts the little black drive from his desk, and he takes it right from his hands in a hurry.

"Thank you. Have a nice day." He turns on his heel.

"You're leaving so soon?" Seokjin asks, halting him in his steps. It's an invitation to stay longer, but Jungkook gives him a weak, forced smile.

"Yes, sir. I have things to do."

Seokjin's gaze flickers from confusion to shock. "Oh. Right, of course." He laughs it off, which eases Jungkook's tense shoulders, but it doesn't ease the pit of guilt growing faster by the second, daring to swallow him whole.

"Have a nice day," he says again, this time quickening his pace as he walks out of the office. He even goes as far as lowering his head when he exits, hoping nobody sees him walking out to start more rumors.


Jungkook has no intention of letting Kunwoo even come close to beating him in this.

The scenes they have to edit are perfect for Jungkook. It's the genre he excels in. It's the entire reason he got into editing, is because he saw cool scenes like this when he was a teenager and decided to get into making his own short films with his cousins and friends together—cringe, yes, and maybe not the best, but he was doing great as a teen.

The action in this scene is incredible. With every little edit Jungkook makes, he feels giddy because it's just so cool-looking. Every time he goes back to watch what he's edited so far, a big grin forms on his face and he forgets all the problems around him. Everything is great when he's editing. He doesn't even worry about his competitor because he knows Kunwoo doesn't like action movies and Jungkook is really into them, so it's basically set in stone.

He edits with joy, mostly back at his apartment with some ramen by his side and another action movie on in the background so he can draw inspiration from it. Plus, he doesn't want to edit while he's at work because he's tired of having to hide his screen whenever Kunwoo walks by and tries to glance over at what he's doing. He almost wants to scowl and tell Kunwoo to mind his business, and tell Miyoung to keep her little boyfriend on a leash.

Four days into the week, Jungkook is sitting at the cafeteria with some real food because Jimin came and sat next to him, stole his banana, and forced him to go get something better because he looks like a zombie.

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