Chapter 32 - Crack

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- One day after Valeria's interrogation -

A tactical display on the screen of Alpha, Bravo, and Charlie Teams approaching the rig and cargo ships. Divided into two with Alpha and Bravo attacking the oil rig and Charlie Team attacking the ship.

"TF 141, Colonel Vargas and Shadow Company will infil three boat teams for a simultaneous takedown of both targets." General Shepherd said through the call.

Then photos of Ghost, Soap, Alejandro, and Graves are displayed.

"Ghost will lead the ship assault team." Then the screen zooming into the remaining photo besides Ghost. "Graves, Soap, and Alejandro will engage the oil rig and disarm the missile."

A photo document of the Rules of Engagement is displayed with certain text covered in black ink.

"All shooters will give no quarter. Your orders are to eliminate all threats."

You furrowed your brow when you noticed your name is not mentioned on the mission. But just right before you want to ask about it, the screen once again shifting, now to your photo.


"And for Sergeant Chamber, you stay on base. Keep it safe."

"Excuse me, General?"

"You heard me clear, Sergeant."

The mention of your rank made you fist your hands as you tried to keep your mouth shut not to say something you might regret. "I'm sorry, General. But I think adding one more person won't be a problem. And also I'm sure I already proved myself I have good experience with missiles." You keep your tone steady as to assert your certainty in your words.

"I don't repeat my words twice. Dismissed. Prepare for the mission by tomorrow." With that, General Shepherd ended the call.

The room fell silent.

Your eyes still focusing on the now black out screen. Fists balling hard as you bit your inner cheek, trying to suppress your anger. "Bullshit." You muttered under your breath before you turn arouns and quickly leaving the room.

Alejandro, Ghost, and Graves just looking at you in silence. Watching how you almost slam the door shut behind you.

- - -

"Rudy.. We can't trust Valeria." You said as you pacing back and forth in his room. Thinking of all possibility. While Rodolfo in the other hand, sitting on his bed watching how you keep moving without even stopping for a second around his room.

"Cálmate, hermosa." He finally said something after being silenced since you rumbling about all the mission since you enter his room. Giving him no chance to say something but now. "If you keep like that, you can't even think clearly."

You stop at his statement.


You take a deep breath then let it out slowly before finally walking to his direction then sitting yourself beside him.

"Let me tell you something." You started but you keep your gaze low on your lap.

The other Sergeant silently listening to you while he watches how your mind seem to be more occupied than usual.

"We can't trust Graves and I never can trust his troops. When the team going on the mission and I'm staying on base, I want you to go to our secret safe house." You pause for a second to let out another deep sigh. "We need to prepare for the worst."

You hold your hands together as you bit your lip. Holding back another explanation about something that might led Rudy to know about the truth only you know.

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⏰ Last updated: May 16 ⏰

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