Chapter 16 | Farewells

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The courtyard was packed to the brim. In the center stood the highland warriors, packing their horses, checking their armor and weapons, and preparing themselves to ride off. The clans' ladies gathered around in a circle, encompassing the courtyard. There was a somber mood that hung over the courtyard. It was dense and heavy. It weighed on Aili's heart. Stifled sobs could be heard from over her shoulder, followed by hushed whispers of comfort. Worry filled her mind and heart.  These men were risking their lives for her- to retrieve her dowry that had been stolen. She felt responsible for the risk they were undertaking, and the inevitable heartbreak that would follow. The gate began to rumble as it lifted from the ground, signaling the warriors' departure. The women instinctively approached their men on their mounted horses. Aili brushed the fine, long hairs of Ewan's stallion as she looked up into his eyes. The sunlight shone through his dark tendrils, causing her to shield her eyes through parted fingers. "I wish we had more time." Ewan admitted through clenched teeth as peered down at his lovely lady wife. "Aye, me too." Aili reached within her pocket and pulled out a blue lace ribbon tied tightly into a petite bow. Within was a lock of her golden curls. She placed it in Ewan's gloved palm. He clasped his palm closed tightly around it, treasuring the small token she had gifted him. "A forget me knot," Aili whispered. Ewan chuckled down at her, shaking his head dismissively. "As if I could ever forget you, Aili MacDonald. No, I don't think I ever shall. Not if air fills my lungs and my heart beats in my chest." He swooped down to capture her lips with his, before she could respond. Ewan savored the taste of her, engraving it in a deep part of his brain. He would miss these lips and the pleasures they offered him. Ewan had meant every word. In his heart he knew Aili would be the death of him. His stallion kicked forward, breaking their kiss apart as it trotted after the other departing horses. Aili watched him and the other men pile out of the open gate, dust rising throughout the courtyard in their wake. The women began to retreat, some covering their mouths, and others attacked with coughing fits. Not Aili, though. She stood, hand raised in a formal farewell, until his horse passed from view over the horizon line. The dust began to dissipate and settle. Only then did Aili make her retreat. Once alone in the quiet solitude of her chambers, she located a white candlestick. Aili carried the candlestick to the boarded windowsill and flung the shutters wide open. Once the candlestick was lit, she placed it there in the center of the windowsill. Then, bowed her knees to the floor. With her hands clasped in reverence to her bosom she offered up fervent prayers to the saints. Her prayers were all the same: Bring him home safe.

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