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"Shit!" Mariah jumped as she turned the lights on in her apartment. Taraji sat on the couch staring in her direction. "You scared the shit out of me."
"I'm sorry."
"Why are you sitting in the dark?" Mariah dropped her briefcase on the floor and stepped out of her Louboutin heels. They were the only shoes she wouldn't kick off.
"I was just thinking." Taraji stared into space. Mariah sat on the couch next to her.

"Thinking about what?"
"My life."
Mariah's eyes slightly slanted. She pushed her red hair back behind her ears. "What about it?" Taraji glanced over at Mariah. She turned to her and placed her hands on Mariah's leg. "Mariah, I really appreciate all that you have done for me."
"But?" Mariah slowly pushed Taraji's hands away, her face covered with concern.

"Don't be like that." Taraji put her hands over Mariah's.
"It's not what you think."
"I think you are trying to let me down gently. Is that not right?"
Taraji smirked. "No, it's not. I don't want to leave you alone. I just... Mariah this whole modeling thing really isn't for me."

Taraji stood up. Mariah watched as she paced the floor. Mariah sighed. She sat back on the couch. "Is that it?" Taraji paused. "Yeah. I sat in that go-see and I looked at the faces of the women who actually love and want it. I knew then it wasn't for me."
"Taraji, I was just trying to find you a job."
"Yeah, and I appreciate all that you have done. A normal woman would be in heaven. But it's just not me."
Mariah rested her elbow on the back of the couch and put her head in her hand.

"So, what do you want to do, Taraji?"
Taraji plopped back down on the couch. "I have no idea."
"Well." Mariah sat back up. "You have your contract with Jocku that you need to complete. But, besides that, you have enough money to take the time to figure out what you want. You can stay here as long as you want."
"Thanks, but that's another thing. It's not my style to live off someone else."
"But I also know that money I have won't go very far in this city," Taraji said, looking into Mariah's eyes.

"So I think that we should come up with some kind of rent thing."
Mariah laughed. "Taraji, my apartment is paid for. I own this place. I don't rent."
"Oh. I guess that makes sense." Taraji lowered her head. "OK, well, how about I pay some other bill. Maybe the cable or put in on utilities."
"Taraji." Mariah held both of Taraji's hands. "Not only do I have a wonderful job, but I'm a trust fund baby. I'm set, everything in this apartment is set. Hell, if I wanted to go buy a house in the Hamptons I could pay cash."

"OK." Taraji looked puzzled. She'd never heard Mariah mention her fortune before.
"So any money you put toward anything would be only to make you feel more comfortable. So if that's what you want to do, drop a hundred on the cable bill. But it's not for me, its for you. But any money you give me, I'll just put aside and give back to you later." Taraji lowered her head. She thought about Fantasia. Taraji looked into Mariah's eyes. She felt a twinge of guilt.

"I'm not gonna win at this, am I?" Mariah shook her head. They both laughed. Mariah turned around, laying into Taraji's arms. Taraji ran her hand through Mariah's hair. She kissed Mariah on her forehead.
"So, do you have any ideas about what you want to do?"
"Not yet, but I'll figure it out soon." Taraji glanced at the envelope on the table. She picked it up. "I got this." Mariah took the envelope from Taraji and opened it. Mariah's eyes widened as she pulled a beautiful black invitation out of the plain envelope. Even Taraji admired the beautiful invitation.

"Oh my God!" Mariah gasped as she read the invite.
"Taraji, wow! I knew it."
"What?" Taraji sat up in anticipation. Mariah flipped the invite around. "Do you know what this is?" Taraji shook her head.
"This is an invite to one of Adrienne's exclusive dinner parties. I knew it."
"You knew what?" Taraji leaned back
"Well, I got a call from Melanie's camp asking me about you."
"Why?" Taraji felt on edge.

"I don't really know, but they wanted to know about where you were from and your basketball career."
"And you just gave up my info?"
"I figured she was booking you for a job." Mariah could feel Taraji's anger. "But then I realized that Adrienne could have just called your agent. So, I knew it had to be something more. I think you might be tapped."
"Tapped? What the hell is that?"
Mariah smiled. She placed her hand on Taraji's thigh. "Taraji, it's a good thing. Adrienne has made a lot of stars. The last person she took under her wing is now a supermodel. You have to go to the party."

"What? You want to go?" Taraji looked at Mariah. Mariah's smile dropped. "I didn't get invited."
"What? But you would be with me." Mariah stood up. "You don't understand, Taraji. When I say exclusive, I mean exclusive. Only the person whose name is on the invitation comes to this. And those names don't usually include my kind. But you need to go." Taraji stared at Mariah, who picked up her shoes and headed to the bedroom. Taraji stood up and followed.
"So you are saying that I can't take you because you're white?"
"A white, bisexual agent. Not what Adrienne is known for."
"That's some bullshit, Mariah, and you know it." Taraji sat on the edge of the bed while Mariah pulled off her work clothes.

"Don't look at it like that. It's just that Adrienne Muse is all about empowering black gays and lesbians in the industry. It really is a big honor to even attend."
"Well, I don't see it like that. I'm not going to go." Mariah's head jerked around toward Taraji. Her serious face was on. "Taraji, look, if Melanie has taken an interest in you, you would be a fool not to go. Adrienne can open a lot of doors for you, but she can also close a lot of them as well."
"So, if I don't go she'll blackball me? She doesn't seem too great."

"I'm not saying that, but I am saying that she is a very powerful person who knows very powerful people.
Maybe even people who can get you back into the league sooner rather than later."
Taraji's heart skipped a beat. The thought of playing basketball excited her. "You really think that could happen?"
"I can't say for sure, but if there is a person who might be able to help, it would be her." Mariah looked at Taraji. She knew her mind was racing. "What do you have to lose?"

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