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Fantasia knocked on the brown door. Jonica didn't have the sliding door she had, since her loft place didn't take up a whole floor. Fantasia's hands tingled like she had been sitting on them for hours. She shook them, hoping the sensation would ease. "I'm coming," Jonica yelled.

Fantasia froze. She almost hoped Jonica wasn't home.
Jonica opened the door, causing Fantasia's eyes to widen at Jonica's muscular arms in her wife-beater. Her stomach had a slight pot belly like a person who over-ate. Fantasia found her attractive. Jonica smiled. "Well, this is a pleasant surprise." Fantasia blushed. "Well, I wanted to say thanks for everything from the other night. I was wondering if you, um, wanted to grab a bite to eat or something." Fantasia lowered her eyes, trying to hide her embarrassment.

Jonica's face lit up. She quickly scanned Fantasia's frame. She couldn't believe how sexy she was. Fantasia's hair hung down on in her face a little. "Are you asking me on a date?"
Fantasia smirked.
"I'm asking if you want to grab a bite to eat."
"Sure, I'd love to go on a date with you." Jonica winked.
"Let me put on some real clothes." Jonica opened the door.
Fantasia walked in. "I think you look OK," she said as Jonica walked off. She knew the look well. Basketball shorts and a wife-beater was her favorite outfit on Taraji.
Jonica's shorter frame didn't compare to Taraji's, but it didn't matter to Fantasia. There was something else pulling Fantasia to her.

"Please don't come out looking all fresh. I didn't get dressed up." Fantasia sat on the small brown sofa. She noticed the small DVD collection; they had similar tastes in movies.
"Girl, whatever," Jonica yelled from the back. "I just gotta keep up with you."
"I didn't dress up."
"Yeah, even with your jeans and white tee, you look like you stepped out of a fashion magazine." Jonica walked out, her basketball shorts replaced with a pair of loose jeans with an graphic tee covered with a diamond skull.
"Wow, you dress fast." Fantasia stood up.

"I was actually getting ready to change and go to the club."
"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't-"
"Fantasia, it's cool. It's just the club. Same ole dykes I see all the time. Your offer is much more appealing." Jonica's smile sent chills down Fantasia's spine. Fantasia walked closer to Jonica. "So, why don't we just go where you were going." Jonica paused. "You want to go to the gay club?"
"Sure, why not? I've been to a gay club before." Fantasia thought about her first gay club experience with Taraji on New Year's a year back, the first time they almost kissed.

"Well, if you want to, let's do it."
"Do I need to change?" Fantasia said, looking down at her fitted seven jeans and white Juku shirt, what she considered her plain-Jane clothes. Jonica shook her head. "You look great."


The small club was packed with wall-to-wall lesbians. Fantasia held on to Jonica's hand as they walked through the dimly lit nightspot. Club lights flickered and flashed on the small dance floor. The pool table was inhabited with a group of butch women watching two others playing an intense game. The customers were predominately black women, unlike the karaoke bar Jonica took her to before. Cardi B's latest hit blared through the speakers as women bumped and grinded on the dance floor.

Fantasia was surprised by the look. It wasn't like any club in Atlanta. People were dressed down, not that many tight skirts and club outfits she was used to seeing. "Are you all right?" Jonica looked at Fantasia with a concerned glare. "Why do you say that?"
"Cause you are cutting off my circulation." Jonica laughed.
Fantasia realized how tightly she was holding on to her arm and quickly let go.

"I'm sorry. I don't know what is wrong with me." Jonica took Fantasia's hands in hers, and their eyes met.
"Don't be nervous, I'd never let anything happen to you."
Jonica's words soothed her. She felt her nerves calming down. Fantasia smiled as Jonica guided her through the club. They walked up to a table with three other women. The women looked at each other with confusion in their eyes. Jonica shook her head as they made it to the table.
"What's up, y'all? This is Fantasia. Tasia, these are my friends Precious, Angel and Cat."

Fantasia shook hands with each woman. She could tell they were sizing her up. Angel and Precious were both femmes, and Cat was the only stud. "It's nice to meet you, Felicity," Angel said in a nasty/ nice tone. She didn't know what to think of Fantasia. "Nice to meet you too, but it's Fantasia." Fantasia sized Angel up first. She knew her type well... cute and was probably used to being the cutest in the group. The emergence of Fantasia would not work well for her ego.

Fantasia noticed a silver bracelet on Angel's arm. "That is a nice bracelet. I love that." Fantasia smiled. Angel's face lit up. She loved compliments, especially from women who could take her in the beauty department. It meant they found something good about her. "Thanks, girl I"- Angel's smiled dropped when she noticed the Tiffany silver hanging around Fantasia's arm and neck. "I got it from this little store in New York, paid a grip for it. But it was worth it." Angel pulled her hand back some.

"Well, girl, that is nice." Fantasia flashed her smile. She knew the silver probably came from a silver store out of the mall at the most. "We weren't expecting Jonica to show up with anyone. This is a real surprise." The chubby Precious took a sip of her Apple Smirnoff. "Chill, P," Jonica said, pulling a chair out for Fantasia. "What? I think it's great. She is a cutie," Precious said to Jonica like Fantasia wasn't sitting there. "I'm going to the bar. Y'all need anything?" Cat got out of her chair. She was the tallest of them. Her hair was cut in a short boy cut. Her clothes hung off her thin frame.

Fantasia hated when women wore clothes too many sizes too big. Even with the huge shirt, she could tell Cat had big breasts. Her sports bra did nothing, causing her breasts to hang down. Fantasia knew she was in need of a serious makeover. "I'll come with you." Jonica put her arm on Fantasia's back. "Do you want anything?"
"Anything fruity would be nice," Fantasia said, knowing the club didn't have a full bar.

The club's crowd grew as the night went on. The DJ's mix of hip-hop, top forty and a few tracks of rock kept the crowd on the floor. Jonica hung to Fantasia's side, pushing her chair close enough to rest her arm on the back of Fantasia's chair. Fantasia laughed at Jonica and her friends. She got along with them well. Even Angel warmed up to her. Fantasia could feel the buzz of her fourth drink. She bounced her head with Beyoncé's "Virgo's Groove." Jonica licked her lips and rubbed them together like she was L.L. Cool J.

"Let's dance." Jonica stood up. "Oh, umm, I'm-"
"Not taking no for an answer." Jonicq held her hand out.
Fantasia couldn't help but blush. She placed her hand in Jonica's, and they walked to the crowded dance floor.
Bodies pushed against each other as they moved to the beat. Fantasia popped her round butt right against Jonica's pelvis. Jonica nodded in approval. Fantasia let the music take over her body, swaying and grinding to the beat.

A tall, thick woman walked up in front of Fantasia and began to dance. Fantasia soon found herself in the middle of a six-person sandwich on the floor. She felt the woman's breasts rubbing against hers as Jonica's body grinded against her backside. Fantasia's pussy began to throb as she glanced down at the woman's cleavage. "You sexy as hell, mama." The woman licked her red plump lips. Fantasia smiled. The woman pulled Her closer, their pelvises grinding against each other.

Jonica watched as Fantasia rubbed her hands up the woman's thick thighs. Other woman watched the sexy show Fantasia and the women were putting on. The woman gently grabbed Fantasia's hair, causing Fantasia's head to fall back into Jonica's chest. The woman kissed Fantasia on her neck. Fantasia thrust her butt against Jonica in a sexy, circular motion, and Jonica pulled Fantasia closer to her. The woman followed suit, coming closer to the two. Victoria Monet "Touch Me Remix" began to play. Women coupled up, grinding as though they were in the privacy of their own homes.

Fantasia and Jonica stared at each other as they gyrated to the beat. Fantasia felt her panties getting moist as she stared into Jonica's big brown eyes. Without hesitation, Fantasia pressed her lips against Jonica's. In that moment, nothing else mattered. There was no floor full of people. Jonica's tongue massaged Fantasia's, it seemed like they were the only two in the room. Jonica's hands roamed up and down Fantasia's back, her index finger grazing the nape of Fantasia's neck, sending shivers down Fantasia's body. Their focus broke as a woman bumped into them.

Fantasia looked at Jonica, whose eyes fixated on Fantasia as though she wanted to take her right there. "I'm sorry." Fantasia lowered her head. Jonica's index finger pushed Fantasia's chin back up.
"Don't apologize. Never apologize for doing that. Feel free to do it anytime you want." Jonica's intensity was a pleasant change from her usual silly nature, Fantasia felt her internal fire burning.
"Jonica, how long did you want to stay here?"
"Ready when you are."
"In that's case, let's go."

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