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Fantasia nervously looked around Jonica's apartment, staring at items as though it was her first time seeing them. Her hands were trembling. She shook them, trying to shake off her nerves. It was like it was her first time. Jonica looked around her room. She lit every candle, giving the room a soft incandescence. The jasmine-scented candles permeated the room with an intoxicating fragrance. Jonica gave the room one more look over. She wanted things to be perfect.

Fantasia sat on the couch. She took a deep breath. She knew she had to get a grip. She laughed to herself, she didn't know why she was so nervous. It wasn't her first time at bat. Her mind drifted to Taraji and the first time they made love. She was nervous, but more anxious than anything. This was different. Fantasia's heart was racing, and her palms were beginning to sweat.

Jonica peeked around the corner. She watched as Fantasia rocked back and forth on the couch. She smiled, Fantasia looked so innocent, and so beautiful to her.
"We don't have to do this." Jonica walked into the room, startling Fantasia.
"Oh, I'm good. I just-"
"You are just a nervous wreck." Jonica giggled. "Fantasia, we don't have to do anything if you aren't ready. I don't want to make you feel uncomfortable."

Fantasia's body began to relax. She sighed. "I'm sorry. I feel like a baby."
"Nah, it's not like that. You've only been with one woman. It's only natural to be a little nervous."
Fantasia walked over to Jonica. Jonica wrapped her arms around Fantasia's shoulders. Jonica's lips slowly planted a kiss on the top of her forehead. The last of Fantasia's nervousness dissipated

"Can we just go to bed, and if the mood comes, then we explore from there?" Fantasiaa's big brown eyes brought heat to Jonica's body. "That sounds great to me." Jonica smiled, hoping Fantasia couldn't see the longing in her eyes. Fantasia's mouth dropped as she walked into the room. She looked at Jonica, who just smirked as she walked over to a set of candles and began blowing them out.
"I feel really bad now."
"Don't." Jonica blew the last of the candles out. "They are a fire hazard anyway."

"Do you have a shirt I can put on?" Fantasia pulled her shoes off. The cold hardwood chilled her body, causing her nipples to perk up. Jonica tried to not notice them. She threw a white tee at Fantasia. Fantasia walked into the bathroom. Get a grip, Jonica said to herself as she pulled her clothes off. She pulled her pajama bottoms up and got into the bed. She listened as water ran in her bathroom. She wanted to enter. She wanted to see how Fantasia's body looked naked. Jonica never wanted to see a girl naked so badly before. Jonica's mind raced. She couldn't figure out what it was, but Fantasia had a hold on her unlike any girl before her.

Jonica's phone began to blare. She silenced the ringtone and ran out the room. "You have some fucked up timing, you know that?" Jonica whispered as she headed to the kitchen.
"Shit." Cat inhaled from her rolled up cigar. She exhaled slowly, allowing the thick weed smoke to cloud her car. "My bad, dude. I just wanted to check on yo ass. You fuckin'?" Cat smiled causing her already tight eyes to slant even more. "Would I have answered the phone if I was?" Terrin took a sip out of her bottle of water.

"You already hit?"
"Why not?"
"I don't think she's ready. She seems really nervous, and I'm not trying to rush her."
"Whhhuuutttt! Oh snap, you really feeling cutie, huh?" Cat grinned.
Jonica's face lit up. "I can't lie. It's something about her. I think she could be the one."
Jonica turned at the sound of Fantasia's sexy voice calling her name.
"I gotta go," Jonica whispered.

She hung the phone up before Cat could say good-bye. Jonica took another gulp of the cold water before heading to the back. Fantasia turned to the door when Jonica walked in. Jonica did a double take. Fantasia stood at the side of the bed, her perfectly manicured feet on the cold floor and Jonica's shirt hanging just low enough to cover the places Jonica wanted to see more than anywhere else.
"I don't think my shirt has ever looked that damn good." Jonica walked farther into the room. She fought to maintain her composure. "You are so silly." Fantasia blushed.
Jonica pulled the covers back on the bed. The last thing she wanted to do was sleep.

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