Chapter 3

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Semidio High, Room 19

The blonde-haired boy leaned against the window. History... sigh. He could think of a million things he could be doing, instead of sitting here in this classroom listening to the teacher drone on and on about things in the past and how they changed the world.

One thing, for example, could be serving at the diner. At least there he knew that he'd be working for something-his salary, which had to be saved for the bank. He sighed, drawing a slip out of his pocket. It was the letter from the bank, which stated he and his mom only had a month to repay their debts, which was surprisingly less time considering how a year had flown by since--no, don't think about it. He was already working overtime, and had yet to receive his pay for the week.

The ringing bell drove him out of his thoughts. He dashed into the hallway, and ran to his car. Sticking his keys in the ignition, he waited for the car to start.

The brown-haired girl was annoyed. She waited for the limo to pick her up as her "friends" chatted about the latest gossip and fashion trends. Resting her elbows on her knees, she looked away and spotted a familiar figure. The blonde boy, who had bumped into her earlier in class. He was running toward the parking lot-to his car, she figured. He didn't notice the paper that had fallen from his pocket.

Curious, she walked over, ignoring her friends' calls. "Piper, come back! We still need to talk about your love life!" Drew called, not seeing her clench her hands into fists. The girl picked the paper up. Debt Balance, it read. Her eyebrows raised at the number, and yet she knew that with her dad's career, it could be paid off in no time, and his account balance wouldn't even have the tiniest dent.

The girl sighed, and pocketed the slip. She made a mental note to give it back to the boy tomorrow, maybe even in an envelope with some cash in it. She liked to help people, and who knew? Maybe it was just the thing to catch her ever-ignorant dad's attention.

A/N: Again, sorry for the REALLY, REALLY short chapter. It's 11:00 PM, and I'm going to Yosemite tomorrow, so I probably won't update for a few days, a week at most. Sorry guys!

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