chapter 16

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Aanchal gets inside the powder room and locks the door and girija is waiting outside for her.

Aanchal: God,what should I do now ,my mom isn't leaving me alone even for a second.

She then takes out the screwdriver she bought and gently tries to unboult the gril door of the powder room.

Girja: Aanchal ,Aanchu come out already it's been 15 mins.

Aanchal: God , screw this

She steps out of the powder room

Aanchal: Let's go back to the pandal.

She walks back to the pandal with girja .

Brinda: Hey, I thought you would leave ?

Aanchal: I was about to u screw the grill and go out mom started calling me I had to come out .

Meanwhile in the chada village

Mithun : Am so dumb ,am so dumb.

Manohar lal: No you are not the varns cames after her Mithun.

Mithun: But I should do something for her kaka ,she loves me.

Manohar Lal: Did she tell you?

Mithun: I can feel it kaka.

Manohar lal: Well ,if you are sure .

Back at the Varna s place

Aanchal: Brindha,i could have jumped of the window you know?

Brinda: In this saree , your head .

Girija: Girls ,who is jumping where

Brinda: Nothing amma nothing.

Girjija : Well my eyes are on you two

Aanchal: why is she watching me like a hawk?

Brinda: cause you ran away once princess!

Aanchal: Why , can't she understand me ?

Brinda: after the Pooja tell her that you don't want to marry ramdev but don't say about Mithun alright?

Aanchal: alright,i will try it.

Hey guys here are we are with another update,hope you liked it. I burnt my finger while making roti yesterday but am updating this beside the pain, atleast for it you have to comment and let me know how this chapter is

The Pandey siblings 🩵

Disclaimer ⭐:

The content in this part is crafted by Pandey siblings and closely supervised by their guardian sneha m

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