chapter 9

25 7 4

Brinda: wake aanchal it's 5

Aanchal: It's to soon brinda too soon !

Brinda: sigh you don't know what's happening get up

In her mind
Don't know how she will react if say her it's better that her parents tell her

Brinda: what hairstyle would u like

Aanchal: do a nice braid or pony style

Brinda: okay but first go and take a bath

Aanchal: come on brinda now don't tell me that

Brinda: it's krishna Pooja day

Aanchal: It means so much to my family i know sigh!

Aanchal goes to take shower with a frown on her face

Aanchal: atleast fill the tub with milk brinda

Brinda: come on we don't have time

Aanchal: you want me to take a shower or you want me to come out like this ??

Brinda: okay okay fine i will fill it up but be quick

Girija enters the room

Girija: aren't you girls comming for Krishna Pooja this is going to be the last krishna Pooja of my baby aanchal brinda next year she would be in her in laws house get her ready and i want my daughter to outshine all the others at Pooja

In her mind:
Couldn't she wait till this pooja is completed now aanchal anger omg

To be continued
Sorry for a small update weekends are usually off but our university decided to conduct a pop quiz all of sudden without prior intimation and the MSG popped up while i was typing this thing out so decided to stop this chapter here .hope you guys understand.
The ksquad 💙

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