chapter 11

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Brinda watching this in all shock faints .

Girija: aanchal aanchal?

She sees brinda and screams

All the family gather around brinda and throw water on her face

Brinda wake up .

Girija: what happened why did you faint where is aanchal??

Brinda: I don't remember i can just remember fainting it's all blank

Girija: what kind of security do we even have here?

Prakash: Girija Girija we will find her don't worry

Girija: not to worry an unmarried girl is missing and her marriage is tommorw

Prakash:  guards search all over the place make sure noone lives unchecked

Hey guys sorry for the short update.We are still working on something. We are free till this year end . Hopefully we will be admitted into our dream college.
Good night sweet dreams. 

Theksquad 💙

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