Poem 11 to 20

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11– Her Last

She cried her last tears.

Life had let go of her

Life hated her…

She stopped fighting

She stopped wishing

She let go of her life.

He had said the words

He had said that she was not wanted

He hurt her

He killed her.

She let life slip from her

She closed her eyes on that last tear

She closed off her mind to the world.

Life had always hated her

Life had never held onto her.

She breathed her last breath.

12– Look at the Sky

Look at the sky

Into the deep, blue, starry night

Look at the sky

She drops to the ground to cry

She has lost her will to fight

There is no more reason to fight

Look at the sky.

13– Her

Her smile is like a rising sun


Her tears are like a storm ruining the fun.

14– Friends

They are like stars

Not seen everyday

Not glowing with the same force

But always true friends.

They are everywhere

In poor countries

In rich countries

Anywhere you want, they are there.

15– No Life



He sits

He waits

Everyday on the porch

Staring at the sky

The blue sky reflecting his blue eyes

He says no words

And shows no life.

16– Don’t wanna die

I want to be an angel

To live in a white castle

In that blue sky

Touch the puffy clouds

Live without a sound

Though I don’t want to die

I want to stay close by yours sides.

17– The Beach

I walk on the beach

The sun slowly heating my skin

Head held high

The hot sand squeezing between my toes

The warm waves hitting my ankles

Trees spread their shade for the animals

I look at the blinding sun

Thinking what would summer be without it

Thinking at why I am here alone on the beach

Knowing that I had never felt better

The sun changed my ideas

And that no one will take this moment for me.

18– Not knowing how

Not knowing why

Not knowing how

He said it

He did it

On purpose hurt me

The idea was to let me suffer

Go off and let me be.

Don’t know how

The knife come out

My fist rushed into his stomach

Blood spurted out

I killed him…

Not knowing how.

19– Your Smile

Your long gone smile

Your long forever here laugh

Will never come back

Before your come back.

20– Moonlight Sisters

As the lightning struck

Lighting the dark forest

Two eyes stared into each other’s

Asking what would happen next.

Two sisters lost in the forest

Playing god with the moon

Wondering what would happen if they stayed here

Wondering what would happen if they continued

Lightning strikes

One is scattered all over the forest ground

Crying, pounding, running and lightning

The wolves howl

She runs harder

Blood is scattered.

Two sisters played god with the moon.

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