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The Uninhabited Island; Class D's Base Camp

After some time, we finally managed to prepare everything in the camp. The tents were all set up for the boys and girls, and the toilets-the temporary one and cardboard one-were in place. Kawasaki and Azuma had also returned from their fishing trip and in their hands, they held eight fishes in total.

"He he, look what we got!" said Azuma.

"Woah! Nice, man!"

"Uh...will that be enough for all of us?" asked Yoshinaga.

"Hey! It may be only a few fish, but at least appreciate it! It's not the size, but the thought that counts! Right, Kawasaki?"

"I-I'm so bad at fishing in real life..." said Kawasaki, frowning to himself.

From what I saw, it seemed like they failed at catching more fish than intended. They may have likely wasted some bait or perhaps didn't reel in the fish in time. Still, either way, we barely had enough for the entire class. Some of us would have to starve.

However, just a few minutes later, Karuizawa had returned from her own fishing trip. The two, who had only a couple fish, had nowhere near to what she caught.

"I'm back!"

"W-Wow! K-Karuizawa, you caught a lot!" In her hands, she had large sticks which she used to carry the fish with her. There were small and medium sized fish, all counting up to twenty in total.

"M-Man...I can't believe she caught more than us..."

Behind me, I heard some footsteps and I turned to see two familiar figures coming towards me from the woods.

"We're back."

"Furukawa-kun, Ogawa-san." I looked at what he had in his hands and saw his tracksuit being used as a bag to carry something heavy. "Did you two find something?"

He nodded, then showed me what they had. In his makeshift bag, there were multiple cobs of yellow corn, all beautiful and freshly picked. "Ogawa and I found this when we were looking around in the forest."


"Look at all that corn!"

"Alright! We're having a feast tonight!"

"There's still plenty more in the forest for us to gather. Ogawa and I could only carry what we could."

"I see." I turned to look at the class. "Seeing that we're all finished, may I ask those of you who are free to go and gather the corn?"

"Of course!" said Kurino "Alright~! Everyone, let's go~!"

"Right!" they replied in unison.



"You remember the coordinates, right? Can I ask you to guide them?"

"M-Me? B-But..." Ogawa shyly looked away and intertwined her fingers together. "I'm...not really good with other people..."

"This would be a good opportunity for you to improve your skills and make friends, right? Kurino is also there if you need help."

"W-Well...if it's something you want me to do, then I guess I'll do it. I want to help the class too."

"Yay! Let's get going then, Ogawa-san!" She nodded, then she walked alongside Kurino as the two of them, along with the class, entered the woods with Ogawa being their guide.

"Do you need some help with that, Furukawa-san?" Kasai said, rushing up to me.

"Yeah. That'd be appreciated." Along with him, a few boys and girls in our class took the heavy load off his arms.

Kasai looks up at the sky. "Hm...I'd say that when Kurino-san and the others get back, it'll be around nighttime. We'll go ahead and start a bonfire, and then all of us will eat our meals we bought."

"Alright. I'll be counting you on that, Kasai-kun."

Kasai went away with our other classmates with corn in their hands and they placed it nearby as they started gathering wood for the bonfire. As I stared at them working, I noticed Furukawa putting back on his tracksuit, which he had tied up and used as a bag. Glancing back at him, I noticed some bandages covering his arms.

What are those for...? I thought to myself.

"There's something you should know, Horikita."

"What is it?" I said, bringing myself back to my senses.

"Class A. Earlier, when Ogawa and I were scouting, we managed to see and hear Toshiro and two of his classmates scouting as well. I guess that their base camp is somewhere near."

"I see..." I placed my hand to my chin and thought about it. If what he said was true, then we needed to make sure we take caution with everything we do. If one of us accidentally spills information or does something reckless when they're near, we may very well end up losing this exam. On the other hand, we now have an idea of where Class A is.

"Thank you for telling me this, Furukawa-kun. I'll keep it in mind." I turned and looked over at the others who were working on the bonfire. "For now, we should help with preparations for tonight."

The two of us walked over to Kasai and the rest of the class. They were gathering branches and stacking them in a pyramid shape, leaving some small spaces for air. After a few more branches were added, it was complete.

"Alright. Looks like we're ready." Kasai pulls out the match box, grabbing a match to light the fire.


"What is it?" Furukawa went over to the pyramid of branches and touched one of them.

"They're wet. When you're making a fire, it's best to use dry branches as wet branches won't allow you to start it."

"Ah, I see. In that case, everyone, let's take out the wet branches and replace them with dry ones!" They all nodded in unison and started helping Kasai with the bonfire.

"How did you know that?" I asked.

"Surviving in the outdoors is one of the things I know well alongside cooking. And besides, it should be basic knowledge. You need heat, oxygen, and fuel to start a fire."

After some time fixing the sticks, Kasai lit a match and threw it into the pyramid, lighting it up ablaze. Next, our classmates added more sticks around it, keeping it in one place. This would be the start of our first night here on the island.

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