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The Uninhabited Island

After leaving the pier where the ship had docked, our class walked together to look around the island for a suitable spot we could take. We were looking for a place where there was shade and space, along with a safe water source and land where we can gather food. These were necessary if we wanted to survive on the island for a week without having to rely much on our Points.

Reaching a certain point in the woods, our class stopped and Horikita turned to look at us. "From here, we should split up into groups. That way, our search will be faster. This spot is not quite far from the pier, so we should be able to come back here."

Once we formed our groups and decided when to come back, we left and headed our separate ways. In my group, I was with Horikita, Karuizawa, Tsukamoto, Ogawa, and Shirogawa. Seeing some of us were familiar with each other, and some who needed to be watched, we decided to stick together.

In the front, we had Horikita and Karuizawa. Following behind them deeper into the woods, we looked around to find a spot for our base camp, as well as resources and food. As we were walking, Shirogawa was busy humming to himself to the side.

"Hm hm hm~..." Out of everyone, Horikita was the only one who happened to notice Shirogawa, who was often invisible to most of us. We would've likely left him behind if she didn't point him out.

As I was searching for a suitable spot, I was suddenly grabbed and pulled back by Tsukamoto. "Hey, can I talk to you alone for a bit?" he whispered.

I stared at him for a moment and turned to look at everyone. We were all the way in the far back where none of them in the front would hear us talk.

"What is it?" I asked.

"You and Horikita aren't together or anything, are you?"

Confused, I turned to look at him, staring at him in the eyes. "Why do you ask?"

Tsukamoto looked away and his face turned a little red. "I-I might or might not have a thing for her now..."

"A thing? What do you mean?"

"Come on man, you know what I'm talking about." Still confused, I continued to stare at him and Tsukamoto looked at me with a puzzled face. "...Dude, you seriously don't know?" I shook my head and he sighed. "I...have a crush on her..."

A crush. Tsukamoto had fallen in love with Horikita. Now that I've heard this, it made sense as to why he was asking if she and I were together.

"...No, we're not," I answered his question.

"I-I see. That's good then..." Tsukamoto coughed to the side. "Well, I just wanted to ask before I did anything. S-So, since you two are friends and all, do you know how to get close to her?"

I stared at him in silence for a moment, then turned to look at everyone who was in front. "I don't know much about her."

"W-What?! Come on man, surely you know something!"

Seeing how desperate he was, I thought about it for a moment before giving him an answer. "...She likes reading books."

Upon hearing that, Tsukamoto frowned from disappointment and let go of me. "Nevermind. I'll take my chance and find something else we have in common..."

"Hey." We both turned and looked up ahead to see Horikita glaring at us. "Can you two stop talking and help us find a spot?"

"S-Sorry..." Tsukamoto apologized with words while I silently bowed my head.

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