Chapter 23

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Ning Rushen finished speaking, and the three present were all somewhat quiet.

The air flowed subtly, but it wasn't clear where the problem lay.

After a while, Ning Rushen carefully pulled his sleeve away from Prince Xuan's hand. "If you want to argue... don't pull on my sleeve to do it."

Li Wuting massaged his temples, realizing belatedly that he had been inadvertently drawn into an argument with Ning Rushen.

"Enough, go back to the mansion and sort yourself out. We'll give you a few more days of leeway, but don't continue this endless entanglement," Li Wuting said.

Seeing that he couldn't linger, Li Yingtang could only agree, "Alright. May I ask Your Majesty to return those papers to me?"

Feeling a sense of generosity as the person was about to leave, Li Wuting said, "Granted."

Li Yingtang instantly felt smug. "Hah! I knew you didn't throw them away!"

Li Wuting turned and instructed his guard, "Go and collect the belongings for Prince Xuan."

Watching the desolate figure disappear down the steps, Ning Rushen withdrew his gaze, feeling emotional. "Why bother."

He turned to Li Wuting, curious, "Your Majesty, what exactly is on those papers? Why can't I see them? It's like Pandora's Box."

There was a momentary flicker on Li Wuting's calm face, then it settled into a stern look as he replied, "It's nothing. Didn't I tell you to speak less with Prince Xuan?"

Ning Rushen's mouth fell open: ...

He was clearly being dragged into this conversation.

The two of them stood on the steps, one higher and one lower, with Li Wuting able to see Ning Rushen's neat row of small white teeth and the tip of his tongue when he looked down.

"...Why are you opening your mouth so wide?" Li Wuting asked.

Ning Rushen's tongue moved. "I'm having a chat with Your Majesty."

If only he could speak without making a sound.

Li Wuting: ...

He lowered his eyes and stared at Ning Rushen's wide-open mouth. His fingertips curled slightly, but he couldn't help reaching out to lift his chin and close it gently. "No need, it's bothering my eyes."

Ning Rushen made a sound of surprise, "Mm...!"

Dequan, who was nearby, glanced over sneakily: Oh my~


Prince Xuan's departure from the capital was scheduled for the next day at three-quarters past noon.

It felt more like going to an execution than to his fief.

Ning Rushen attended the morning court, estimating that he had enough time to go out of the city to see him off.

As he was about to leave the palace gates, he was called out, "Master Ning!"

Ning Rushen turned around to see Li Jingyu, a young man, walking out of the palace gates, accompanied by the cold-faced Li Wuting.

"Master Ning is also going to see the Second Prince off?" Li Jingyu asked.

"Yes," Ning Rushen replied, then remembered Li Wuting's advice to speak less with Prince Xuan. He rubbed his nose and glanced at Li Wuting, "To see him off," he added silently.

Li Wuting remained silent.

Li Jingyu looked around, wondering if he needed to explain such a trivial matter to his elder brother. After a moment's thought, he suggested, "Since Master Ning is also seeing off the Second Prince, why not join us on the way?"

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