Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

“Renny, would you please pay attention in my class”, said my handsome teacher.

He was trying to get my attention the whole period but I wasn’t there, It was like my mind was sent off in another world. I didn’t feel like listening to his math, it was pretty boring I might say. Everyone turned around in there seats and they starred at me before, he cleared his throat trying to get back everyone’s eyes on him except for mines. Finally the bell rang signaling that class ended, everyone hoped out of there seats heading for the door.

“Renny I need to speak to you”, he said.

Suddenly I felt a sense of déjà vu. I chuckled slightly to myself before walking up to his desk.

“Yes Sir what would you like from me”, I asked him.

“Well, I would like a conference with your parents tomorrow after school”, he said while writing something down on a sheet of paper.

“This was your last warning and you broke it”, he continued.

I got to say, he was pretty sexy but, he’s a jerk. Who would think that I’ll give my dad that sheet of paper he was handing me.

“Here you go.”

I took the paper from his hand, then I headed out of his classroom. I tossed the sheet of paper to a near by trash can.

“What was that paper about”, said a voice behind me.

I turned around to see Sara looking at me uncertainly.

“That was a parent conference paper”, I simply said.

“Oh cool”, she said.

Then she linked her arms in mines and we began to walk to my classroom. She told me her class was right next to mines and that she’ll wait for me when it’s over. We then separated in our own ways.

I walked inside class and I sat in my seat taking my book out of my bad, suddenly someone came and knocked the books out of my hands while they were passing by.

I looked up to see a girl starring down at me, surprisingly she picked up the books that feel on the floor and gave it back to me.

“I’m sorry, here you go”, she passed me the books and went to her seat.

I sighed in relief, I didn’t know why I held my breath as I saw her but I was glad I let it out.

As the bell rand signaling it’s time for class, I kept on wondering who she, why was I scared. Many questions ran through my mind, but it was abruptly stopped by the bell signaling class ended.

Like Sara said she was waiting in front of my class, she wanted me to go to her house today. I didn’t know if it was a good idea but I said ‘okay’. So we were walking down her street talking about food since we both like it. I told her about the Lasagna my dad’s girlfriend made. When I brought up girlfriend to her she looked at me wide eyed.

“I think your dad might propose to her”, she said.

I looked at her like she was crazy.

“No he’s not that crazy to ask her to marry him, he’ll simply have to ask me and teddy permission”, I said innocently.

“Okay whatever you say.”

We finally reached to her house, outside was red and black, both my favorite colors.

“You know those are my favorite colors”, told her.

She laughed loudly and said, “My brother picked those colors, he said it’ll make people look at it.”

She shook her head and leaded me up the stairs to her front door, she took her keys out of her pockets and unlocked her door.  Suddenly, I heard a noise from deep inside the house yelling Sara’s name.

“Sara, is that you, hurry get in here”, said the voice.

Sara had a normal expression on her face, she turned to me and said.

“Can you wait here for a second, my brother is acting crazy right now, just stay right here don’t move”, she rushed out.

She didn’t wait for my answer, she ran down the narrow hall turning right into a room.

I stood there looking at photos of her and her parents. I only saw one photo of her brother but it was when he was older. I sighed in boredom, it seemed like forever to get her out of the room. Finally, she came out of the room, grabbing my hand, guiding me up the stairs.

“Sorry about that, brother and there stupid cat calls”, she chuckled.

“It’s okay”, I said quietly.

We stooped at a red door, Sara reached out and opened it up.

“I thought you don’t like red”, I asked.

“Who said I didn’t like it, the truth is this room use to be my brothers so I didn’t feel like changing it”, she explained.

I laughed as she guided me inside, it was all white, plain white, simple stuff was inside, a bed, a bookshelf, a computer desk, and a flat screen TV against the wall.

“Wow, your room is, a regular room, just like mines”, I chuckled.

“Really”, she asked,

“Yep”,I replied.

She jumped on her bed and she sat down, she pulled out her books out of bag and said.

“Well what are you waiting for, I need help”, she said as she pulled out two pencils out of her book bag.

This was going to be a long day.

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