Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

 “Renny, Renny sweetie wake up”, I heard voices again, it seemed like déjà vu but with many slaps attacking my face every second, I couldn’t take it anymore so I immediately open my eyes wide open to see my father hovering over me checking to see if I was alright, and a lady looking very worried.

I looked over at her confusingly, then I started studying her, placing my pros and cons. She had a dark orange hair, yea I know strange isn’t it, and her big brown eyes was looking everywhere frantic like she did something wrong. Well on the plus side she doesn’t look that old, I have to say dad did a great job with this one.

 While she was walking over I noticed something that was one her nose, it sparkled a bit, then I saw it, it was a nose piercing. I looked over at dad shockingly, he never liked piercing at all, and he didn’t even let me have another one after my first. He was definitely a wired man, maybe that’s were I got it from.

“Renny are you okay “, he ask looking over me again.

“Yes dad I’m fine”, I said while getting up off the floor. My own father didn’t have the decency to get me off the floor.

“Who is she”, I asked, gesturing to the orange head lady. I noticed she was about to speak but dad beat her to it.

“You’ll find out all about once we are at the restaurant then you’ll ask her intact questions you want to ask.”

That remark made the orange lady smile, showing her pearl white teethes. Dad picked up his keys signaling that he was ready to leave the house. We walked out of the house quietly and got in the car, the ride was a comfortable silence, once in a while the orange lady would ask me question like how was school and such forth.

We sat down quietly at the table, and then of course orange lady had to ruin the silence

“What’s your favorite thing to do, Renny”, she asked.

Damn, she got me there, when I was younger I did a lot of sports but when I started out in high school I chickened out, I was scared of all the big kids running over trying to tell me what to do. I couldn’t tell orange lady that, she’ll think I’m a lunatic or some of the sort.

“Well I use to play football when I was younger, but now I’m starting on singing”, I said.

That was the only thing I could think off in such a short time, and it seemed like believe what I said too. She looked amused like she have never heard anyone say something like that before.

“I’m glad you’re not wasting your talents on the internet, I’m very proud of you, the way how your dad described about you earlier I thought you’ll be very difficult to talk to.”

I chuckled softly, only if she knew.

“That’s good to know”, I said thankful that the lady came with our drinks asking us what do we want to eat next.

  So that was how the whole night went, the orange lady, which is named Sydney, she finally told me her name,  asking me question, and dad and her were finally talking when they were in the car. Once we reached home I went upstairs and I locked my door shut.

I jumped on my bed and again, I went on the computer and I went online playing game, everyone was talking about it in detention I figured I’ll just check it out. I noticed there was a chat room inside. As soon as I saw it I remembered the song I always sing when I see it.

“I am cannibal, I eat boys up”, I yelled.

“We all know that, Renny” my dad yelled up the stairs.

I stuck my tongue up in the air as always thinking that my dad could see me.

“Don’t you dare stick your tongue up”, I heard my dad said from down stairs.

I ignored his comment and I clicked the box that said ‘join’.

A name popped up it showed as ‘A.T.B. YOUR SON AND ONLY’

I chuckled slightly as I read the screen name over again, it was hilarious. I mean who puts there screen name as, that. I laughed out loud and started the conversation with a ‘hi’.

 Rabbit Girl: Hi

A.T.B. Your son and only: Is this who I think it is???

I stared at the screen blackly, what I have gotten my self into.


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