Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

I walked down the busy hallway trying my hardest to get to class on time, not wanting another detention again. Last night when I found out that A.T.B. might know you I am I immediately logged off. Yea it was a wrong move but I wasn’t really into the mood to talk to some stranger who thinks he knows me. For all I know he’s a serial killer or something, and that’s not what I want. I don’t want to end up in jail for committing a crime. The bell rang signaling that class has started. I cursed quietly to myself as I speed walk my way to my classroom. I finally reached, as soon as I went inside my teacher attacked me.

“Go to detention now, your late, bye”, she said, while continuing back with her lesson.

I rolled my eyes behind the old hag’s back and went to detention where I belong. I walked down the shallow hallway and went down to the basement were all the bad kids belong. I finally reached to the pale blue doors, so I opened it and sat down in a random seat not caring at all if the teacher saw me or not. Suddenly I felt a paper ball hitting my fragile back. I ignored the hit, and I continued to stare off into space, ignoring the environment that’s around me.

I started thinking about dad and Sydney, there relationship seemed pretty serious, I mean they haven’t said anything yet, I really hope not though.

“Hey you”, said a voice behind me.

I ignored it, I never like when people adjust me to the word ‘you’, it sounded inappropriate, or saint, I don’t know maybe I’m just wired like that.

“Hey girl”, said the voice again.

Again, I hated the cat calls, or whatever they called it.  I mean who calls someone like, ‘hey girl’, or ‘hey you’.

Then I felt a tap on my shoulder, of course I was curious to know who it was but the truth was I really didn’t care. The tap started again on my shoulders but this time it was harder than before, it was more urgent. Finally I turned around to look who was tapping on my shoulders. Like I said, I wasn’t surprise to see who was behind me, it was that girl. We talked once and I while, I wouldn’t consider as a friend though. I know that’s harsh, but really I don’t need a friend, I already have my dad and everything, I consider him as my best friend. But her now, nope, no best friend vibe feeling, she tends to talk a lot which I never like, and she like to put her pale blonde hair all over her face, which I hate, with mines now it’s lade back and smooth. Most people in school think were sisters because we look alike but I don’t see the resemblance.

“Oh my god, I haven’t seen you since for ever”, we actually saw each other in the hallway yesterday, “I e-mailed you and you didn’t even had the nerves to e-mail me back”, because I knew you were going to e-mail me, “and I’m having this pool party slash whatever this weekend and I want you to come, so you could meet my brother.”

I really didn’t give a flying monkey about her brother, but that doesn’t mean I’ll turn down a pool party this weekend because of that. My dad would finally get off my case for being all up tight and so quiet, he could be a jerk sometimes.

“Okay I’m in, just e-mail me the time and place”, I said while turning around.

But she wasn’t finished.

“I don’t get it why you don’t give me your phone number, it’s not like I’m going to stalk you or anything like that, I think it’s just easier that way if I just send a text, how bout that, write down your phone number and I’ll text you the information.”

Like I said, she could talk.

“Okay, pass me a paper.”

She passed me a blue smooth paper with cool skull designs on them, I wrote my number down and I gave it back to her. I was really worried about if she’ll call me tonight.

 I quickly got up from my chair and pack away my books. It was the ending of fourth period everyone was excited because we leave school early today, I was only glad because I could get to meet my grandma today. As I turned swiftly around to leave, I hit my head against something hard, and then my books were hastened all over the floor. I quickly picked it up, I looked up to se who bumped into me but I only saw there back. I couldn’t get to see who it was but I saw what there wearing, he was wearing a yellow and black plaid shirt with tight jeans on. He could dress but he had no manners at all. As I got all my books together, I got out of class finally and I started to walk over to my grandmother’s house. While I walked I saw couple of gang signs hanging up on the wall. As I looked at them, I wondered if the cops know about these things, or are they too busy eating donuts all day to really care about these stuff.

I was rushed out of gaze to hear my name call from the distance behind me, like before, I ignored my name and I kept on walking. Suddenly I heard my name being called again this time I didn’t ignore it. I turned around to be set face with the same girl from detention, I really didn’t get her name.

“Hey Renny”, she said as she walked over to me.

She swung her arms over my shoulders as we continued to walk. I didn’t know I gave her permission to touch me like that, but I’ll make sure not to walk this way ever again.

“Hey”, I greeted her, not feeling comfortable under her arms.

“So were you going, I thought you walk the other way?”

“Oh, I’m visiting my grandmother, but she doesn’t like it when I call her that, so I just call her Teddy.”

She chuckled quietly, “Why teddy, it sound so wired and all.”

I chuckled with her, “I don’t know, she suggested it, so it just stayed with me.”

“Wow, you have one wired family.”

“You haven’t seen her, wait until you see her house.”

She stayed quiet for a while, “Can I, you know visit with you?”

I couldn’t believe what I said after that, “Yea sure no problem.”

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