chapter 10: the festival

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the exwires were sat in class waiting for yukio to turn up, when he did they got to it, however

rin: hey yukio, have you seen y/n?

bon: yeah, he didn't turn up this morning

yukio: i'm not sure... i'll ask Mephisto

the class were informed about their next assignment, as this was happening, y/n was in the room of spirit and time, he'd been in there for the last 3 years or 30 hours in the real world, Mephisto decided it was time to bring his brother out

Mephisto: y/n! come on out!

y/n pov

i heard Mephisto and headed over to him

y/n: hey Mephisto

Mephisto: hello y/n- whoa!

he held his nose closed

Mephisto: you need a bath!

y/n: well it has been 3 years since i had a good wash! haha!

Mephisto dragged me out and we went to his building before he threw me into the bath, i got undressed and cleaned myself up before i got out, Mephisto handed me a GI and i put it on before grinning

y/n: nice and clean, thanks big bro!

Mephisto: i'm happy to help, you have a new assignment, come with me

we headed out and he teleported away, i locked onto his Ki and flew after him, we headed far away to a research lab, finding the paladins angelic legion outside

Mephisto: please help me in erecting a barrier

i nodded and started chanting, channelling my Ki

shura: whoa... he's gotten stronger!

i released a burst of Ki creating a barrier around the research lab, Mephisto created a time barrier around the whole thing

y/n: whats down there?

Mephisto: a gehena gate

y/n: but only Satan has the power to conjure one of those!

lightning: its obvious isn't it?

Grigori: stop with your games lightning and tell us

lightning: only one organisation could create this... the illuminati...

y/n: I've heard stories about them but i thought they were only a legend?

lightning: nope they're real and now that i think about it... you'll be a good hand to help us

shura looked at him confused before looking at me

y/n: don't worry i'll be happy to help

lightning: good

shura: but he's only an exwire

lightning: not for long, because of your old master, the knights of the true cross have come up with a new meister

Mephisto: oh really?

angel: as much as it pains me to say it... you are to become the first warrior exorcist

y/n: warrior?

lightning: its a rank only awarded to the best of the best when it come to combat... and wielding Ki...

y/n: i'd be honoured

Grigori: good, your authorisation exam is in 4 hours

y/n: 4 hours?! can't i at least get an idea and what i need to know?!

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