chapter 7: the wager

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rin and y/n were taken to the Vatican to be put on trial, Mephisto was able to convince the Grigori to allow the boys to live, in return, they must both pass the exorcist authorization exam in 6 months or they will be executed....

y/n pov

the next day i was sat atop one of the buildings meditating, relaxing my ki, i tried to relax but i got a text of Mephisto, we were heading to Kyoto and i was told to meet everyone on the train, i landed at the station and got on the train

y/n: shura, how you doing?

shura: i can't be arsed...

i chuckled

y/n: standard then

shura: yep, i'm sure you've been debriefed?

y/n: yeah, Mephisto can't keep his mouth shut

she chuckled at that before placing a hand on my shoulder

shura: i know you've been tasked by the paladin to look over rin, i know your temple is in Kyoto... so feel free to visit your master, i'm going to debrief everyone, take it easy

y/n: cool, i'm gonna go on ahead

shura: huh?

i got out the train as it started moving and powered up to super Saiyan before i flew off, i gave rin a two finger salute through a window before i blasted forward, shaking the train

shura: for god sake y/n...

i got into Kyoto and went to my temple, i landed at the entrance before walking in, i could hear master gohan meditating, a devilish grin appeared on my face as i sneaked up behind him, just before i could scare him, he turned, grabbed my arm and put me in an arm lock

gohan: you show up unannounced and try to scare me!?

y/n: ahhh!!! i'm sorry master!!! AHHHHH!!

after a few minutes he let go and knelt down at the shrine while i held my arm with fake tears streaming down my face

gohan: you've grown stronger, i could feel your KI all way over in true cross

y/n: thank you sir

gohan: now, whats the occasion?

y/n: huh?

gohan: surely you wouldn't just come back on a whim

y/n: oh right, well we've been asked to assist in keeping the right eye of the impure king safe, the left eye was stolen by a true cross exorcist known as todo

gohan: ah i see, i do remember a man of that name, crafty bastard, well, i suggest you go and help your team

i nodded and went to walk out, before i left he called out to me

gohan: i see your demon side has awakened...

i stopped dead in my tracks before turning to him

y/n: you knew...

gohan: my boy, I've known since i took you in...

i felt anger rise up but it was suddenly crushed by sadness

y/n: how could you lie to me.... for all these years....

gohan: I've kept it a secret from you for your own protection, your big mouth can't keep secrets can it, and if you knew about your demon and Saiyan heritage, you may have lost it big time

y/n: i-i see...

gohan: i am sorry for keeping you in the dark but it was for your own protection, now please, go and assist your friends, if you need anything, you know where to find me

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