Chapter 4 (new experience)

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After multiple games of all the games you had at your chalet, you and Scarlett decided to part ways and go sleep.

As your were in your room, you couldn't help but think of this weird relationship between you and Scarlett. As if it had just dawned on you that she was a stranger. To add to the weirdness of all of this, you felt so comfortable with her. You don't know how she felt, but if you felt so, why would she? Does this usually go both ways? But what if you're making up a relationship, what if this whole interaction for her is mean less? You then started spiralling and overthinking.

Your eyes began feeling heaving, though your brain was racing. Although, soon, sleep took over.

—time skip—

It was now morning and you drinking a smoothie you had made. Scarlett was still sleeping even though it was already ten in the morning. You had realized her shift in mood but you haven't pointed it out to her. You felt as if you would be intruding her personal life.

Thirty minutes later, you see her emerge for her room. She looks zonked, yet somehow so beautiful, you thought.

« Good morning sleeping beauty. » you said, in the nicest way possible.

« Ha. Ha. Ha. » she replied sassily, followed by a question « What do you want to do today? »

« We could go snowboarding (or skiing) if you're up for it. » you replied giddily.

« Sure, but I don't really know how. » she said shyly.

« Don't worry about it, I'll teach you, I'm an amazing teacher. » you replied in an accidentally flirtatious way.

She replied with « I don't doubt it. »

« Stay here, I'll go get all the stuff we need » with the said, you dashed out of the living room and went to collect everything necessary. You also, obviously did not forget to bring snacks since the canteen there is WAY overpriced.

It was now lunchtime, so you made both of you salmon pasta. You both downed it relatively fast and quickly went out to the car.

—time skip—

You finally got to the mountain thirty minutes later. You and Scarlett were practically running up to the day pass ticket stand. Once you get the bracelet, you go up to the baby hill to teach your new friend how to snowboard.

After spending two hours, you saw how much of a fast learner she was. Probably from all the skills she had to develop as an actress. You decided to bring her to a green trail. You didn't rush her though, she asked to go on a harder trail. You didn't want to show off and you wanted to make sure she didn't hurt herself, so you stayed by her side while going down the slope. You saw that she was starting to go a little to fast and her eyes widening. You saw the beginning of an easily avoidable accident. You started getting closer to her and caught her before she was close to falling. She thanked you because she felt she was starting to lose control.

It was now seven in the afternoon (19h)  and you both decided to head back home or let's say your chalet. You both had fun and were STARVING. After all, you did do sports for hours. You saw her hair all messed up because of the beanie and helmet she was wearing. On the other hand, you did not wear a helmet since you stayed on the easy side of the mountain. While heading back, you both were singing your hearts out. The channel you were on was quite bipolar, one second there could be some classical music playing, then it'll randomly switch up to pop, then proceed to go to some classic 80's rock.

Once you finally arrived, you decided to make some rice, with chicken and asparagus. You and Scarlett made it together since you had nothing better to do.

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