Chapter 1 (the meeting)

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14 January 2024

To escape whatever Scarlett was going through at home, she decided to go in a secluded area far from home. She flew into the big city (because your small town doesn't have an airport) and explored it a bit. She stayed at a hotel for a couple of days, while exploring all the hidden gems of said city. It's mostly a walking city, because there are many cars, they lead to traffic, so it is best to walk to your destination. She found herself at museums admiring space themed ones, art galleries and a banque museum. She also found incredible restaurants. Tasting this city's famous bagels and smoked meats, as well as dishes from every single continent.

After exploring the most she could in the smallest time possible, and tasting foods from all over the planet, she decided she was done with being around people. She ordered an Uber and told him to bring her to a small village. She wanted to be surprised. The driver was unsure of where to bring her, until he remembered a city where his grandparents live. Once the car started driving, she realized she hadn't thought about a place to stay. She checked for Airbnbs but there were none.

Scarlett asked the man « Do you know if there's a hotel, motel or anything of this sort to the city you're bringing me in? »

« I'm not quite sure, if you want I could drop you off to a nice cafe and you could ask the employees there. I'm so sorry I've only went there a few times. »

« It's okay. I'll figure it out. What city is it though, just so that I can check before being a bother to those employees? »

« It's called Sorel. »

« Thank you. » said Scarlett politely.

She went on her phone to find a hotel, motel, or Airbnb, but couldn't find anything of sort.  She thought to herself « I'll ask one of the employees if they know a place. » After two long hours, that she had mostly spent enjoying the view of the snow falling down, they had finally arrived to the cafe. The driver helped her get her bags out of his trunk. Scarlett thanked him and went in. Because of the cold weather, she ordered a nice, hot coffee as well as a croissant. She found that the employees were very nice and polite. She was scared that they knew here, but since they were so nice, she thought that there would be a problem. She continued eating her France-like meal, enjoying every second of it.

Scarlett went up to to the cashier named Audrey and said « Excuse me, sorry to bother, but would you know a place to stay at, like a motel or hotel? »

The other woman replied « I'm so sorry but we don't have any here, we're in a lost hole. Haha. Although, a lot of people have a few houses here, if you go further down, there might be Airbnb houses. But nothing for the next 30 minutes ahead. It's basically just farms, fields and forests.»

« Thank you, do you have any mode of transport here other than cars? »

« Unfortunately no, but you could Uber. A lot of people here do so, because well we don't have public transport. »

They ended their conversation there. Scarlett returned to her table and went on her phone to check if there was anything further down, like Audrey had said.

A few moments later you had come in after an exhausting Friday at work. You came around the counter and hugged Audrey who had just finished speaking with Scarlett. You guys were friends since you were a regular. You ordered a coffee and sat down next to a window, taking off your coat, gloves and tuque. You were listening to music, with one ear for you to be able to hear your surroundings.

That's when your friend came up to you and asked « Would you mind giving this lady a ride and bringing her to a place of residence? I know you know many people around here who might have extra housing. I would give her a lift but my shift isn't quite done»

« Yeah, no for sure, first I need to drop off some things at home though. Also I need to check with my friends if they have a free house. So either way, I need to go home.»

« Great, thank you, she seems very nice, I must say. »

You thought to yourself that you might want to get to know this mysterious lady and ask if she's up for getting a lift. 

You walked up to her and said « Hi, I'm Y/N, I heard that you might need a lift and a place to stay. I could help you with both of those things if you want. »

« Hi Y/N, I'm Scarlett. I would love a ride and a place to stay, but are you sure it's not too much to ask? » she replied while shaking your hand.

« No, I don't mind at all. I do this often. I need to drop some things off at my place first. »

« Thank you, that's amazing, when are you leaving? »

« When you're ready » I said.

« Well my coffee is done, so I guess we can go now. »

You put you coat back on, as well as your tuque and gloves. Before helping Scarlett you paid for your drink. You helped her bring her luggage to your trunk and brought her to the front passenger seat.

You started the car and before driving off, you asked her « Are you buckled in and ready? »

« I'm ready. Thank, I hope it's not too much of a trouble. »

Don't worry about it, either way my I'm not going to be doing much of a detour. »

You drove off. The ride was quiet and before you knew it your arrived at your palace.

You told Scarlett « Come in. It's cold outside and I might be a while. »

« Okay. » she replied with enthusiasm.

You brought you bag in. You also gave her a tour and told here that she could sit anywhere she wanted and that you would be back any minute with your computer to check for a place. Before grabbing your computer you put down your paperwork that you had to bring in. You then grabbed you computer and joined Scarlett on the couch, a meter separating the both of you.

—time skip—

« I'm so sorry Scarlett but I couldn't find a place for you. But if you want you could stay in one of my guest rooms. » you said.

« No, I couldn't possibly ask you for more. »

« Where are you going to go? You don't have a lift nor do you have a place to stay at. »

« Right. » she answered

« I'll bring in your luggage and place it in the guest bedroom. You should go choose one before I get back. »

« Okay thank you so much. » she said from the bottom of her heart.

« It's no problem, truly. » you said before going out and bringing her suitcase in, as well as her bag.

She had chosen the room next to yours, on the top floor, with a big window looking at the front yard and the door leading to the balcony. It was a purple themed room, there were purple curtains and paintings, while the sheets were white with three purple decorative pillows, and the walls were white too. In that room, there was also a plant and two candles. The bed was queen sized. On the balcony, there was a big glass table along with six chairs.

You brought her stuff up and she thanked you.

Since it was eight in the afternoon (20h) you decided that you should definitely start cooking something. You decided to make stuffed peppers.

—time skip—

You called Scarlett down to the dining table. She came and you got to get to know each other better. She said she enjoyed supper and went up to her room after attempting to put her dishes away. You had stopped her from doing so since you were the host.

You went down, in your downstairs living room to watch some television before going to bed.

—time skip—

You went upstairs to your room at twelve thirty (00h30) and checked on Scarlett. You heard her crying but didn't know how to proceed. You stood there thinking.


A/N: Hope you're having a good day/night, don't forget to sleep, eat and drink water.

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