Chapter 21

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Did I say something wrong? 

My mouth stood ajar as Y/N dropped her wand and turned heal, racing through our sun-kissed forest without looking back. "Wait, your wand—!" I began. But it was entirely too late; she was long gone by now.

My feet thumped through the heavy grass as I bent over and grabbed my mother's wand. It was hot to the touch, just as my mother's attitude, and I supposed that was comfort to me. I rubbed my thumb against the edge of the wood.

I hadn't mean to lay everything on her like that, truly, but was I supposed to just forget that her and bloody Ominis Gaunt, damn you, sent me to Azkaban? After all we've been through, she just, left that. 

Out of my way of Hogwarts, I remembered running through the forbidden forest. It was all blurry, and besides the fact that I was in torn robes, I looked like a mighty fugitive who was escaping his death.

That was the case, but I wasn't trying to make it that obvious.

As I had turned the corner, I locked eyes with a man, in all black, with a black mask, and a white wand. I wasn't sure if he was part of Ranrok's old posey or not, but I wasn't going to find out. That's when the flashes happened. That's when the creatures swarmed me, when they flew around me and threatened to swallow me whole.

They weren't dementors, I knew that, at least. I had panicked, and I assumed they came from the white wand that the thug was waving around. It was then a slash cut my stomach, and some black blood of sorts pooled out.

I still have the mark, and I've been dead set that it was those horrendous creatures that had given me it, but what did I know then? I knew my sister would help me, so I decided to do just that—run like a cat with my tail tucked between my legs—and find my sister who absolutely loathed me.

A great plan, if I do say so myself!

Now, Y/N's showed up again, out of nowhere. And, to be honest, I'm not even that mad at her, but more so at Ominis Gaunt, that damned wizard. Hopefully, now that she's apologized and I've made it clear how hurt I was, (Anne said women love talking about how they feel), maybe we can make up and figure out how to become friends again. 

I slipped the wand down my buttoned shirt and reflexively pulled at the collar. I was frozen stiff, considering how long I stood there. My hand was practically sizzling. I should go find her. I need to tell her that it's okay, and that we aren't strange—

Screams. Blood curdling, demented, agonizing screams. And it's coming from her.

As my heart quickened its pace, a profound sense of dread enveloped me. It felt as though I was afflicted by a curse and was rendered speechless, my words choked in my throat. 

I withdrew my wand from my pocket and whispered a Disillusionment charm, racing down the forest and following the sound of cries and tears.

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