Chapter 15

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I entered Feldcroft, my luggage drenched in the sweat from my palm. I hissed a curse under my breath, enlarging the suitcase and bags in my arms. I strolled down the dirt path, wincing in pain as I made my way into the village. It had grown, by maybe two or three homes, but it still lacked complete fullness. Parts of the grass were damp and dead, trees uprooted from their homes, and honestly it was a catastrophic mess.

I looked at the list of directions in my hand, a small map etched in red ink directing me. I glided up the hill and turned corner, glancing at his house. I then glanced at the map, and my face dropped.

I subconsciously felt my luggage drop from my hands, the overcoat hanging from my shirt now bathed in coats of dirt and mud.

"No, no," I hissed, diving to the muddled soil for my fallen gear. I heaved the soggy items in my arms, recollecting myself. I saw the eyes of eight, ten, twelve others glaring in my direction, yet no one attempted to talk to me. I guess that was for the better.

I heaved a breath, creeping towards the house. Why was I going to Sebastian's home? Who owned it now? Was Anne Sallow still here? Would it smell like him?

My gaze darted to the overgrown pots surrounding the fortress as I pressed my wrist against the door. Knock, knock, knock.

I straightened my hair and straightened my posture, forcing a plastered smile on my face. A thin, skeleton-like girl greeted me, her face covered from messy tussles of curled brown hair. She let out a small chuckle, lifting her gaze to meet me. Anne. Sallow. Anne Sallow.

"Y/N?" She blurted as I cried, "Anne!" 

I dropped my luggage from my hands, again, reaching to give her a hug. I wasn't expecting tears to sting my eyes but they did, softly seeping into her frizzled locks. "Anne! You sent the map? You volunteered? I never knew!" My voice quavered from emotion. "Oh, Anne!"

The frail girl pulled away, examining me in—dread? "Merlin's beard, I'll take that," she chuckled, grabbing my luggage. "Wait here."

I stood awkwardly at the creaked doorframe. I heard scuffling from inside the house, and a couple of grunts that followed. A loud slam returned after the few seconds of spared silence, then Anne was back at her door, wobbling to my assistance. 

"Y/N, it's been so long," Anne Sallow breathed shakily, opening the door to its fullest. I entered and choked at the overwhelming stench.

"Is that blood?" I asked warily, my eyes darting to a white cloth covered in dark liquid.

Anne met my gaze, her eyes reverent. "Sit down," she whispered, gesturing me to a wooden chair strewn across the living room.

As I sat, I examined the room. The place had become darker, the wood chipping with age and flaking off. The carpets were fuzzy from lack of sweeping and it had an awfully tangy smell, though that may have just been from the colorful towels.

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