Chapter 1

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As Luke and I shared our introductions, Professor Black decided to leave us be. The moment the gauntly man left, I could have sworn  Luke relaxed a little. 

The halls were quaint and empty as I cast Lumos. Only my wand illuminated the small crevice of the corridors.

"May be a little bold of me to assume," I croaked, my awkward small talk fumbling. "But you're not used to this whole Wizard thing?"

The boy beside me shifted awkwardly, his eyes sunken, presumably from the horrors of the Wizarding World. "I guess you could say that," he offered as I pushed a little ahead, down a black, marble hall.

"I understand."

As we stood next to a blank wall, a silver snake slithered up the wall to form a door. I gently grazed my hand alongs its scales before opening the door. Such a... feeling.

Intricately I brushed off my dusty robes before pulling them off, hanging it over a chair around the mantle of the fireplace. I fluffed the tan pillow before taking a seat. Signaling to the other chair, Luke and I sat down. I rolled up my sleeves, my hands tingling against the warmth of the fire. "First time here? I assume you haven't toured the school yet." My fingers curled from the heat.

Luke looked at his shoes, tapping them lightly against his chair. "It's—the same."

"I beg your pardon, you've been here before?" I asked, perplexed. Before he could respond, I added, "our common room is pretty grand. Especially, especially, this spot." How could I forget?

"What's so special about this spot?" The new student asked curiously. His green eyes twitched in the heat of the fireplace, lip trembling from the nerves of the new World. His fingers enveloped between themselves as the Muggle snuck a glance at me. He immediately dropped the look.

"It was where I started. Where you'll start, too." I reached into my duffel bag, pulling out a very obviously used note pad. Grabbing  my quill in between my teeth, I thumbed past the first couple pages. "Black said he arranged our schedules together this year." I mumbled awkwardly before taking the quill out from between my teeth. I pulled out a white feather stuck in the back before continuing. As I looked back at the Muggle, he just looked at me, as if he had something to say. 

Clearing my throat, I addressed, "quills can write for themselves. Perks of magic, actually. Say the words, and your quill will write it down." 

I tore a stained sheet of parchment, flashing it at Luke and indicating the words, before tossing the sheet into the fire place. The flames engulfed the yellow paper.

"You do have a quill, yes?" I asked. The muggle's pupils distilled in the firelight.

"No, no, I do not."

"Here, take this one then." I outstretched the white quill and ink compartment I had in the palm of my hand. The muggle eyed the quill and ink before graciously taking the supplies.

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