29. Detours

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When Alarion woke up the next morning, he found his mate sprawled on the bottom of the bed, his feet pressing into Alarion's knees.

"What," Alarion chuckled sleepily and pulled his mate next to him.

"Ugh," Avyugh threw his fists in the air and the vampire caught them lazily.

"Fights in his sleep but screams bloody murder if asked to punch someone while awake," Alarion muttered to himself as he rolled away from his mate and stood up from the bed.

He walked straight to the kitchen and poured himself some blood in a glass.

He almost screamed out loud when he saw Maahi standing behind him, rubbing his eyes sleepily, holding a teddy bear. He then noticed Pierre walking behind Maahi, wearing a pajama set.

Alarion sipped his red drink from the glass and began whipping up some eggs.

Pierre nodded sleepily at Alarion who set a coffee mug in front of the werewolf and plate of scrambled eggs in front of Maahi, and ruffled his hair.

"It's day one of training, you know the drill," Alarion picked up a packet of bread and tossed them in the auto-toaster. "Thirty minute walk, thirty minute run, one hour of strength training, then two hours of your own workout set."

Pierre groaned. "Can we skip strength training?"

Alarion shot him a look.

"I'm already built big, look," Pierre flexed.

Pierre was certainly muscular, but he was also lean, and that earned him a lot of admirers in school and even among the kingdom, but he also ate candy as much as he exercised.

"And you eat a lot of sugar too," Kenji appeared out of thin air, making Pierre shout in surprise.

"It's six in the morning, keep your magic under wraps," Pierre grumbled.

Pierre's coffee was about to tip over his head because of Kenji's magic but stopped when Alarion cleared his throat and gave them a stern look.

"You need the extra exercise, so we can get used to doing more, so get it out of your head that you're already big built. You're putting a stop to your own potential," Alarion lectured.

"It's too early for your lecture, old soul," Kenji muttered.

Alarion flipped them off before serving him some toast and eggs.

"Your cooking skills are limited, I have to say," Kenji, used his magic to pour himself a glass of water.

"Then starve," Alarion chuckled, pulling his plate away.

Kenji flipped him off and pulled his plate back and began eating.

Avyugh walked inside the kitchen with wet, curly hair and a shirt to big for him paired with a pair of sweatpants.

Alarion stared at him with no ounce of shame and only looked away when Kenji used his magic to splash some water on him.

"You're up," Alarion murmured.

And fresh.

His eyes raked all over his mate. Avyugh's wet curls fell around his head and he was wearing one of Alarion's old shirt and pant.

Alarion clenched his jaw.

He could smell Avyugh's inviting scent, but he only held his glass tighter in his hand and looked away, taking a big gulp of blood.

"And you're not wearing a shirt," Avyugh mumbled, pinching the bridge of his nose as he sat down, holding his brother on his lap.

Alarion looked smug.

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