Chapter 10: Liar

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'How did you find me?' He's sitting opposite me at the large table, eating breakfast. It's the day after the ball. I haven't slept, not even for a minute. I keep seeing him, feeling his hands on me. I haven't told Draco, thought it was none of his concerns.

'Blaise told me he saw you entering the garden with that piece of garbage.' He takes a bit of his waffle. 'I'm sorry, I shouldn't have gone out of the ballroom.' I apologise while poking my food with my fork.

'Don't apologise. It wasn't your fault.'

'It sort of was.' I whisper under my breath avoiding eye contact. 'No Cormac is a disgusting boy, he always has been, even in school.' His voice is cold, but soft at the same time. His hand reaches for mine. A slight smile appears on my face when our hands touch. His are cold compared to mine. It reminds me of the winter wind. 'But you're safe now. That's all that matters.' He brings his lips to my hand, and kisses it like a prince. 'My prince.' I whisper with a playful smirk on my face.

'Shut up.'


Weeks go by and Draco and I grow closer everyday. We spent every minute we can together. Most of them are in the library or walking outside. It's wonderful.

'I need to give you something.' Draco's says. He hands me an elongated box. It's brown and feels soft in my hands. 'What is this?' A puzzled grin appears on my face. 'Open it.' He whispers. My finger caresses over the box, hesitating. 'Open it.' He whispers again, this time closer to my ear. I feel his cold breath leaving his mouth, it brings the funny feeling back. Carefully I open the box. Inside I find a stick. A long brown stick, but quickly I realise it's not just a stick. It's a wand.

'It's yours. Harry gave it to me, and I think it's time I gave it back to you.' He whispers, his mouth close to my ear. His hands hold my waist gently. I like it.

I stare at the wand, hoping some memories will come back to me. They don't.

'Could you maybe teach me some spells?' I stare at him with puppy eyes, hoping he agrees.

'Only because you're so cute.' He gently presses a kiss on my forehead. His hands slide off my waist as he walks to stand next to me. He smoothly pulls his wand out of his jacket and holds it in front of him. I do the same.

'Okay the first one is going to be the patronus charm. It's a bit tricky, but very useful. It can provide protection against dementors or you can use it to send messages.'

'Dementors?'I am confused. I never heard of a dementor.

'Yeah flying things that suck souls out of people.' He answers casually, as if it is the most normal thing in the world. In response I give him a quick understanding nod.

'Okay you have to think about a memory, a good memory. Can you do that?'

I nod again.

'Great, repeat after me Expecto Patronum.' Nothing leaves his wand, I don't know if anything should be, but still it seems strange.

I close my eyes and think of what my happiest memory is. Without doubt it's one with Draco. I just have to figure out which one, but I think I know. Our first kiss.

'Expecto Patronum.' I open my eyes again. I see a wolf made of blue light arise out of my wand. It runs around the room and I can't help but smile. 'Great job.' Draco whispers behind me, it makes me feel weird. Suddenly my head starts to hurt, like a burning pain. I immediately grab my head in a firm grip and close my eyes as the pain keeps coming. And then nothing.

'I remember..'


I see myself sitting next to Harry outside of a building I now recognize as Hogwarts. I'm younger, as from what I see I would guess an age of fifteen. My black hair is put up in a ponytail. Just as Harry I wear a yellow and red uniform with the crest of Gryffindor on it. We're sitting close to each other, very close. 'You look very pretty today.' Fifteen year old Harry whispers. I see myself blush. It's weird to see myself for afar. Doing things I don't remember, until now. 'You look handsome too.' I hear younger me giggle. Harry leans in closer and so does younger me. When their lips touch I get a weird feeling in my stomach. Not the feeling I get when Draco kisses me. This feeling is stronger, it feels wrong. They keep kissing and I have to force myself to watch, until I hear a familiar voice. 'Look at this, the two lovebirds are finally together?' It's Draco. He also looks younger. Making sense because this is a memory and not reality, well it was once. His hair is just as blond as it is now, but younger Draco has a different aura. More confident and arrogant as the Draco I know.

'Shut up, Malfoy!'Harry snaps. One of his hands remaining on younger me's face. 'Wow relax scarhead. I was just asking you and your little girlfriend a question.' He smirks. I quickly realise what was happening. He was mocking us, bullying us. He lied. He lied about not knowing each other. He lied to me. He bloody lied to me. When I open my eyes again the memory isn't playing in front of me anymore. I'm back in Malfoy Manor next to Draco. 'What do you remember?' His tone is soft and caring. I hate it. 'I remember you being a bully, mocking me. We did know each other, didn't we?' I hiss under my breath.

'Goldie..'He starts but I cut him off.

'Answer me! Did we know each other?'

He stays quiet for a moment, before he mumbles. 'Yes.'

'You liar! You told me we didn't know each other. But in reality you mocked and bullied me!' I get more angry the more I think about it. He reaches for my hands, but I pull away quickly. My anger increases visibility.

'Baby..' He whispers.

'Don't call me baby!' I take a step back, away from him. 'Look at this idiotic fool that you made me.'


'You liar.. Tell me was I a joke to you? Did you use me for my body or something? Tell me!'

'Goldie..' I don't let him finish. I run out of the library through the hall and out the door. I don't know where I'm going, but I know I can't stay here. So I keep running far away from Malfoy Manor.


Draco's pov:

I hate myself.

How could I be so stupid to lie to her. Was I thinking I could change everything? Just forget about all I did in our years of Hogwarts. That it didn't happen as long as she didn't know? I curse at myself as I walk out of the library. I stayed there waiting for Goldie to walk back in so we could talk about it, but in the four hours I've sat there I didn't take any notice of anyone. I walk back to my own room, unlocking the door. Inside I find Tracy sitting on my dark green bedding. The house elf looks worried, frightened even. Before I can even set one foot inside my room she starts babbling. It's hard to follow, she talks too quickly. 'Tracy slow down.'I tell her. 'Sorry master, forgive me. Have you seen the nice young lady?' Her voice stutters which it never does. 'You mean Go..Marigold?'


'No I haven't seen her in a few hours. Why?' The fear in Tracy's face seems to increase at least ten times.

'She's missing.'

After those words leave her lips I feel a sharp pain in my heart and I drop to my knees. A small scream leaves my mouth as I hit the floor. 'Master..' Tracy squeaks. Her squeaking is the last thing I hear before everything becomes black.

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