Wait by the door like I'm just a kid- Lyney x Gn!reader

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And watch you tolerate it.

t/w- fear of being replaced, slight yelling I mean very slight.

summary- (request by keeyisbored)

School au (again wwwwww)

Lyney and the reader are close, so close the reader might've liked them a bit more than normal amount ever since they started hanging out, but... Recently, lyney has been spending more and more time with a brand new friend, so much, they don't have time for the reader or don't have time to see them waving from the hallway. But, lyney and the reader are dormmates, so lyney didn't take long to figure out that the reader has closed themselves in - not coming out of their room, hardly attending lessons, with lights dull in their room. Their heart was aching, they never hang out with anyone as much as lyney, and the liking they had for lynch made it worse (might be a romantic liking). One night lyney couldn't sleep and his ears heard the slight sound of... Crying..? Was it his dormmate in the other room...? His....friend?

Lyney smiled, not at you but at someone else. You'd never seen him this happy, only with you. The brightness on his face hurt more than anything else. Why wasn't he this happy with you? Your heart ached, you couldn't tell Lyney you liked him. It was obvious that he didn't like you back.

His laugh echoed through the corridor as you turned away and headed back to your dorm, clutching your chest. As if you were trying to hold the pieces of your heart together. At your dorm, the best you could do was curl up into bed. You should've been happy he was smiling but it only brought you down.

"Lyney..." You muttered clutching your pillow. "I'm so stupid.."

It wasn't until later that night he came back into the dorm. You were long asleep. Lyney had noticed you weren't at lunch, but you might've just had some work to do.

The next day was much the same, Lyney was still talking to the person, almost ignoring you completely. You stayed in your room, staring at your laptop trying to find any motivation to do anything. But it was so hard, your fingers resting on the keys, eyes blankly staring. It felt all too hard.

You gave after God knows how long, and sat back in the comfort of your own bed. The pillow and stuffed toys on your bed being your only comfort. However today you decided to have for dinner. You walked to the closet fast food restaurant you could manage. The air con by the door hit you suddenly causing you to jolt. You walked over to the order station, just getting some chicken nuggets and whatever drink you felt like.

"Hey Y/N!" The one person you didn't feel like seeing was standing a little away from you, and guess who with.

"Hi, Lyney, and friend."

"Oh sorry I haven't introduced you too yet. Y/n this is Gaming. Gaming, Y/n."

Gaming smiled brightly at you, "Hi y/n! Would you like to join us?"

"No thank you." You said politely. "I've got work to do."

"Don't overwork yourself, please."

"Yeah, Yeah." Your order was called, and you quickly left without saying goodbye.

Back at your apartment you again couldn't focus on anything, your mind just kept wandering back to Lyney. How happy he was, without you. Lyney got home not long after you and gave you a quick hello before collapsing into bed. He seemed the fall asleep quickly because after that there was just silence. You decided to follow, crawling into bed, and pulling up the covers to your face.

Tears slowly dripped out of your eyes. You tried to keep quiet because lyney was in the room directly across from you and he never shut his door. But it was hard. You choked out sobs, gripping the pillow so tightly your knuckles turned white. Your sobs were so loud that you didn't here lyney in your room.

"Y/n? What's wrong."

You rolled the opposite directing from him hoping that he would give up, but you knew he wouldn't.


"Its you Lyney! And that stupid boy! You just stopped talking to me!"

Lyney looked hurt at your yelling, but you couldn't keep much of it in anymore.

"You just stopped talking to me y/n... I thought you hated me. You got so wrapped up in your work and just ignored me for weeks."

Now you were the one to get hurt. "Oh... Oh my Archons... I'm so sorry. I didn't mean too.. I..i."

"You know I could never hate you y/n?"



He leaned closer and gave you a little peck on the lips. Enough to make you blush.

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