Chaos, chaos, and more chaos.

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The forest is still quite smoky, and Percy and I are both coughing as we try to find the others.

"God damn! How much smoke can be in one forest?!" Percy says, breaking into a coughing fit. 

I try to do the trick I did in Athens, when I was looking for Zoro, but it's no use. My magic supply has run out.

"I'm not sure, but let's find the others fast. This can't be good for us." I say through coughs.

After five more minutes of searching, I really can't breathe. I'm fighting for every breath, my body rejecting air. Percy doubles over beside me, coughing and choking. I'm about to suggest we go back, or find another way, when I hear Luffy's unmistakeable voice.

"There!" I say, supressing a cough. "To the left."

Percy and I walk into a smoke-free clearing, where the others are busy. 

Percy gasps for air. "There you gasp guys are."

Luffy turns around. "Chase! Percy! Took you long enough."

"Yeah, well, excuse me if we were fucking dying out there." Percy snaps.

"It can't be that bad. We were okay." Luffy responds.

"Tell that to my lungs." I say. "It's dangerous to leave this clearing."

"Really?" Luffy asks.

"Oh, my god. YES!!" Percy says, now pissed.

"Alright, calm down." I say to Percy, putting a hand on his shoulder.

He shrugs off my hand. "How the fuck can you be so calm?! We almost died! Don't you care?" he snaps at me.

Now I'm pissed, and I can feel my magic simmering in me as it starts to come back, adding to my anger. "Maybe because we didn't actually die! For fuck's sake, we chose to live dangerously! Our whole lives we've done nothing but dangerous shit. You know this. When we were bounty hunters, every fucking day we didn't know if the other was going to come back unharmed or even if the other was alive. And don't even say I don't care. I'm doing this for you!"

"Obviously it was dangerous! But if you keep doing dangerous shit, you're just asking to get killed! What's the point of doing it for me if you're going to die in the process?!" Percy snaps.

I see Sanji wince out of the corner of my eye. Emotions are flooding through me, and I don't know what to make of them. So I settle on anger. 

"Better than having you die!" I say.

"I got us both away from home so we could BOTH live, Chase! Don't throw that away." Percy replies. "I didn't have to take you with me."

I'm too shocked to reply, but when I speak again, my voice is quiet but filled with anger. "You wanted to leave me? Here I thought you cared."

I storm off to the woods, finding a part where the smoke isn't too bad. I sigh and sit down on a fallen tree. I hate fighting with Percy, but he just can't understand I do this all for him. 

"Cha-" Percy starts to call.

Sanji cuts him off. "Leave her."

I'm shocked and hurt. He wanted to leave me? Whatever. I don't have to try to help him each time. I sigh. Of course, I won't be able to stop myself from automatically helping. At this point, it's reflex. But I still can't help but be hurt, holding back tears.

I hear footsteps, and Percy walks into the clearing where I am. "Hey sis."

"Go away." I say.

"Sorry, but I don't feel like it." he sits beside me. "Look, sis, the reason I'm so harsh, well, I want you to have your life. Without worrying about me. After all, you do have a boyfriend." 

I go red as he mentions that. "But... you're my brother, and I want to protect you."

He smiles. "I'm the oldest, I think I should be the one protecting you."

"Why the hell did you want to leave me?" I ask.

"Oh, Chase... I would never leave you, that was a stupid, heat of the moment comment." he says.

"Percy... I just... I don't know what I'd do without you..." I say.

Percy smiles. "Love you too. And hey, I know you care. I... was just a little pissed. I don't like seeing you put yourself purposely in danger."

I burst out laughing. "A little? Yeah right. Also, I love danger. I live for thrills."

"Okay, I was pissed! Happy now?" he says with a smile. "Also, bullshit. You do not live for thrills."

"Yeah." I reply. "Alright, I do not live for thrills." I add with a grin. 

He nudges me teasingly. "You don't sound very sure."

"Yes, I'm happy now. Okay?" I say, laughing.

"Hmmm.... I guess that'll do." he says.

I sigh. "Let's go before trouble comes. I feel like we're not done with this island yet."

He looks at me curiously. "What makes you say that?"

I shrug. "I dunno. Just a hunch I suppose."

He frowns. "Your hunches are pretty accurate."

"That's what worries me." I reply.

He gets up. "Alright, we should probably go."

I get up as well. "Yeah, good idea. Wait, I was the one who first suggested it!"

He laughs. "Good idea sis. Alright, can we go now?"

I smile, suppressing a laugh. "Yeah, we can go now."

I hear a scream pierce the air and take off running. 

Percy runs behind me. "Sis, wait up! Why the hell are you running?!"

"I heard a scream! There's trouble!" I run into the area where the others are.

It's chaos. People with horned demon masks and guns are raiding the clearing. The others are seperated, fighting to get to the group of villagers in the middle. 

"What the hell?" Percy says beside me.

I scan the clearing, seeing if anyone's missing, and immeaditaly wish I hadn't. I see people getting hurt left and right. Someone shoots, and I see Sanji fall. My body goes cold as I see blood pooling around him.

"SANJI!!!" Luffy yells.

Before I know what I'm doing, I'm in the clearing, trident in hand. I fight harder than I ever have before, spinning, slicing, stabbing left and right. My trident slashes through clothes, flesh, ripping and tearing. Blood splatters everywhere. As I'm fighting, I see the person who shot Sanji and come up behind him, slashing a few others on the way.

"See you in hell." I whisper in his ear before stabbing him in the heart from behind.

I look behind me, and the whole clearing is covered in bodies. Bodies with demon masks, dripping crimson blood, staining the grass.

Luffy's mouth is wide open in shock. "Chase- you- holy shit, that was awesome!!!"

I blink in suprise. "That was me?"

"Damn Chase. You were a demon out there!" Usopp says. 

I'm breathing heavily. "Guess I'm a little defencive. But they deserved what they got. Nobody hurts my friends."

Then I remember what sent me into defencive mode in the first place. "Sanji!"

Chopper's already there beside him, and he looks up when I come over.

"It's bad. He might not survive." Chopper says. "It hit his heart."

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