The island on fire

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I'm still in shock at just how bad my dark magic is getting. Damn, I thought I was one of the lucky few who get through their 19th birthday unscathed. Percy and I exchange a look, and we're thinking the same thing. This is bad. The island comes into sight, an autumm one. Leaves like fire cover the trees, making the whole island look ablaze.

"Wow, it's beautiful." Percy says beside me.

I nod. "It looks kind of like the whole island is on fire."

He laughs. "Wow, that got dark fast." 

"No, I mean it literally looks like the island is on fire. I can hear something crackling." I reply, tilting my head slightly to the side in order to hear better. 

Percy looks at me, panic in his eyes. "Whoa, what? Like, for real?"

"I wouldn't joke about this. Not dark enough." I say with a small smile.

He slaps my arm. "Chase, I'm serious!"

"So am I." I reply.

"Whatever. Chase, we're talking about this later. Right now, we need to figure out what to do." he says with a sigh.

I roll my eyes. "Well, I don't know. Maybe we should, you know, tell Luffy." I say sarcastically.

"Okay then." he snaps. "And guess what? You're the lucky one who gets to tell him."

"Then you have to wake up Zoro." I reply with a grin, walking away to find Luffy.

"Wait! Sis- come on! I'm sorry! Don't leave me to wake up Zoro, I'm too handsome to die!" he calls.

"Tell it to someone who cares." I call back. 

I hear him muttering some curses under his breath as he goes to wake up Zoro. I head over to where Luffy's sitting on the figurehead of the ship. 

"Luffy? We have a problem." I say.

He turns to face me. "What kind of problem?"

"The whole island is on fire." I reply calmly.

"Wait, what? The whole island is on fire?!" he says, shocked.

"Don't you see the smoke?" I reply.

He turns to face the island. "You're right! It is on fire!"

"So what do you want to do? We can't just leave them." I say. 

"Easy! We'll put out the fires." he says triumphantly. 

"Easier said than done." I say patiently.

Seriously, how the hell does he expect us to put out a whole island? We'd need the world's biggest water bucket!

"But you can control water." he says.

"So?" I ask, completely confused. Then I get it. "Oh, no. I'm not that powerful."

"Come on! I know you can do it." he replies.

"Luffy! This is a whole fucking island! I can sink a few ships. That's about all my powers are good for."I say, now losing some patience.

"At least try. And that's an order." he says, grinning.

I grit my teeth in frustracion. "Yes captain."

Damn it! There's no way in heaven or hell I can do this. I wince as another bolt of pain runs through me. Especially not in my current condition.

Percy runs up, a cut bleeding on his arm. "Damn, Zoro was pissed. So, sis, what's the plan?"

"Apparently I can put out a whole fucking island." I mutter.

"Luffy said- wait what? He wants you to put out the whole island?!" he says, shocked.

"Yeah, I don't believe it either." I say.

Zoro comes over. "You two had better have a really good reason to be waking me up."

I quickly explain, and as it comes to the plan, his mouth drops. "Luffy wants to do what? That's the stupidest idea ever!"

"Exactly!" I say. There's no way I can put out a whole island. It's impossible."

"What's going on? Is everything okay?" Sanji asks, coming over.

I explain what's going on, and panic flashes in his eyes. "Oh my god. The people! Chase, do you think..."

He trails off, but I know what he meant. Panic and guilt well up inside me. I shake my head. "I don't know! I just know I can't do this," tears well up in my eyes before I can stop them and I bury my head in my hands, "and that means that if I fail... all those people's lives are in my hands..."

Sanji puts his arms around me. "Hey, Chase, it's going to be alright. You can do it, but no matter what, we'll find another way." 

I smile weakly. "How are you so optimistic all the time?"

He shrugs. "I guess because there's always a way out if you try hard enough."

"Guys! We're here!" Luffy calls. "Chase, you ready?"

"No, but I never will be, so hey, let's do this." I reply, heading up to the front of the ship.

The fire's a lot worse than it looks. Smoke curls through the air, and the sound of screams ring out. I cough as I inhale a shit ton of smoke. "Damn, this is worse than I thought... Luffy, are you sure about this?"

"Yeah!" he replies. 

Percy's face lights up as he gets an idea. "Wait, Chase! We can do this."

"Oh, no. What are you thinking?" I ask.

"I'll turn into a water dragon, and I can help you put it out while the others evacuate the people." he replies.

I turn to him in shock. "Holy shit, you're a fucking genius!" I throw my arms around him. "Oh, my, god. Percy, you're the best."

He grins. "I know. Now, let's do this!"

I smile and start to control the sea as Percy turns into a beautiful dark blue dragon and flies into the air, and the others run off to help people.

Sanji pauses before going. "Chase... be careful. Don't push yourself." 

I make sure no one but Percy can see us and quickly kiss him. "Back at you. Now go before Luffy gets worried." 

He nods and runs to join the others. Okay, let's do this. I raise my arms, and the power of the ocean runs through me in a torrent. I force it to bend to my will, and make a wave splash over the forest. I hear a symphony of hisses as fires go out, but it's not enough. Gritting my teeth, I dig in my heels, and send another wave crashing over the forest, this one bigger than the last. Percy shoots torrents of water out of his mouth, splashing over chunks of the forest with loud hissing, and together, we put out the fires. As I feel the power of the ocean recede, my head starts spinning with exhaustion. But I'm elated. We did it! 

Percy transforms mid-air and lands perfectly on his feet. "Nice one sis! We did it."

I smile. "Damn right we did. I wonder what caused the fire?"

He shrugs. "Let's find out."

And with that, we run in the direction the others went in.

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