A bit of friendly teasing, as well as an issue.

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I wake up at about mid-morning, and at first, I'm confused. Why is Sanji here, in my bed? Then it all comes back. I allow myself a moment to look at him. A ray of sunshine crosses his face, highlighting his hair. His lips are slightly parted, his breathing steady. His hair is messed up one one side where he turned in his sleep. I smile. Somehow, he looks even sexier this way. I could look at him all day, but I force myself to get up and dressed. I head onto the deck, where some of us are already up and as lively as ever.

Percy sees me and waves me over. "Morning sis. Did you sleep okay?"

I smile, remembering how I fell asleep. "Yeah, I slept fine thanks. How about you?"

"I couldn't sleep." he admits. "I was thinking about how Zephyr treated you... and well... I got a little too pissed to sleep." 

I see the dark circles under his eyes and feel a wave of guilt. "I apreciate it, but don't destroy yourself stressing about me."

He grins. "But that's my job as your older brother. To protect you and stress out about you." He ruffles my hair. "After all, you're my little walking chaos machine."

"I am not a chaos machine!" I protest.

"You can say that after we get a month without any chaos that you're somehow connected to." he replies.

I try to whack him, but he dodges, laughing. I'm laughing too, he's right, I am a walking chaos machine. "Well, this is what it's like to have a sister with dark magic. Deal with it. After all, you're stuck with me."

He grins. "Fine with me. I'd miss your firey temper."

"Bet you wouldn't miss me slapping you." I say with a laugh.

He chuckles. "It toughens me up, so maybe I would miss it." 

I roll my eyes. "Damn, you annoy me sometimes."

"Back at you." he replies, dodging another slap from me.

"Stay still! I thought you liked me toughening you up." I say, laughing.

"Sorry sis, but I don't need a concussion." he replies.

"I was aiming for your arm!" I say, raising my hands in defence.

He goes in for a slap, and I backflip over him, kicking him lightly in the head. 

"Ow." he mutters.

"Don't even try and slap me." I tease. "I'll kick you as much as I need to."

I hear a voice behind me. "Nice flip." Usopp says.

I smile. "Oh, thanks."

"She can do much more than that." Percy adds. "She could probably so about 5-ish backflips mid-air if she jumped off the mast."

"What?! That's impossible!" Usopp says, shocked.

I swing myself up onto the mast. "Well, then, better count."

I jump backwards off the mast, flipping as air rushes past me, wind caressing my face. I land perfectly on both feet, only a little dizzy.

"15." Percy says. 

Usopp's mouth drops. "15?! Holy shit, Chase, that's amazing!"

"Agreed." Sanji comes onto the deck. "That was awesome."

"Thanks." I say, trying not to blush.

"Why do you sound suprised?" Percy teases.

"Jumping off something and backflipping isn't that impressive, that's why." I reply. "But I don't think my main skill is a good idea to show..."

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